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The pro-Hamas protests that started on October 8th and have continued on through this past weekend have gone from your typical hissy fit from future Democrat staffers to a new front in the culture war. All it took was frat boys saving the American flag from progressives who wanted to tear it down. Remember, as Mr. Rogers taught us, when you see scary things in the news, look for the helpers because you will always find people who are helping. The helpers are wearing backward ball caps, crushing Claws, and popping Zyns.

And Donald Trump has their back with a new fire ad embracing frat boy summer.

Interesting side note. A new ABC News poll has Trump up five points over Biden with voters under 30, representing a TWENTY-NINE POINT SWING from 2020.

The ad works for two reasons. One is that it drives home the point that respecting and protecting the American Flag is bad optics for the Joe Biden Democratic Party in the eyes of its base. The other is the coolness factor. One side looks cool, like they are having fun, and like the group you want to hang out with. The other side is cosplaying Gaza at elite universities and supports the radical progressives who control Joe Biden. And who wants to ban Zyn.

You’re an average, apple pie-eating American citizen. You tell me, what group do you want to kick it with? These guys?

Or are you dartying with this crowd?

Sure, there more important issues. Immigration, the economy, and crime, and safety are all on the minds of American voters. Trump is leading Biden in those areas too. Trump is also TIED when it comes to who you trust to “protect democracy.” Think about that. In a phony issue that Democrats and the media (but I repeat myself) made up just so Biden could have something to campaign on… he’s TIED with the person the media and Democrats (but I repeat myself) claims is literally going to destroy democracy with his own two hands literally.

When Trump does his tour of frat houses once college football season starts up, the response is gonna be YUGE. We’ll see if Biden’s supporters are still glamping out on the quad, or if they moved on to the newest thing.


Brodigan is Grand Poobah of this here website and when he isn’t writing words about things enjoys day drinking, pro-wrestling, and country music. You can find him on the Twitter too.

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TRUMP TRIAL DAY 2: Still Bullsh*t!youtu.be