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If you have things like truth, facts, and logic on your side then letting someone speak who disagrees with you should be no problem. But the rainbow mob only has lies and ad hominem attacks on their side, which is why they freak out the moment someone contradicts their truth.

A school district in Manhattan was holding a meeting to discuss a measure that requires schools to hold a public hearing over their policy about trans sports.

According to The Daily Mail:

Since the measure was passed, trans advocates have shown up at each school board meeting to protest even discussing the possibility of moving forward with the review, which is what happened Wednesday night when anyone with an opposing view attempted to speak.

One video of the bizarre humming and howling performance given by the trans advocates – many of whom were in matching jeans and white t-shirts – showed that the woman whose voice they were drowning out is Amaya Perez, a black, bisexual woman who leads the NYC chapter of Gays Against Groomers.

So are we, not uplighting Black queer voices anymore, or what?

This is how you know these people are in a cult. Firstly, they dress like they are in a cult with their matching white attire. Secondly, they disregard all facts and logic at the expense of their ideology. And thirdly, they act like animals the moment anyone disagrees with them because they are that beholden to their ideology.

They wouldn’t have to shut down people who disagreed with them if they were factually correct.

They also don’t have a right to do this and it’s crazy that they were not kicked out. They have a right to peacefully assemble but they don’t have a right to disrupt the peace.

These people are so incredibly immature and don’t even have the capacity to hold a conversation or hash out differences to promote the fairness of the game.

This meeting was pointless to begin with because we already had a system in place for all of sports history and we should go back to that system but these people aren’t interested in being fair.

Trans women are men and that is why they should compete with men.

Based Boston Celtics Coach Nukes Race Baiting Reporterwww.youtube.com