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I don’t live under the Sharia-esque iron fist of a homeowners association (HOA). Outside of making sure my school and property taxes are paid (which is a rant for a different time), I can have whatever I want in my driveway. A man in Seaside, California got complaints that he had a boat in his driveway. Yes, SEAside. Boat. HIS boat. HIS driveway.

His response to the city about his boat, one might say, goes a little … overboard.

Etienne Constable kept his boat in his driveway, as people who have boats tend to do when they aren’t in, you know, water. Some Karen didn’t like looking at Etienne’s boat that he kept on HIS driveway. Maybe she thought it was an eyesore whenever she powerwalked past his house. Or maybe she was jealous that all the other neighbors were invited on it, and she was excluded. That’s between Karen and the city manager she complained to.

The city sent Etienne a letter demanding he put up a fence so his boat wasn’t visible, or else. Etienne complied.

“I’m not a rule-breaker but I like to make a political statement as necessary as well as a humorous statement and a creative statement.”

So he built a fence. Then he painted his boat on the fence.

Well, he didn’t paint the boat. Local artist Hanif Panni did, out of his advocacy for art in public spaces. “It engages people in ways that reaching out and having conversations doesn’t sometimes.”

There is nothing we here at the Louder with Crowder Dot Com website respect more than patriotic dissent against an oppressive government. However, a close second is pettiness. Combining the two is the chocolate and peanut butter We The People need on a Friday.

As of this writing, the city has not responded to Etienne following their directions. You know they are going to and the excuse they find is going to be stupid.


Brodigan is Grand Poobah of this here website and when he isn’t writing words about things enjoys day drinking, pro-wrestling, and country music. You can find him on the Twitter too.

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