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Jen Psaki, soulless Ginger and former spokesman for the Biden White House, said this week — on a cable news network — that Joe Biden should be doing fewer news interviews and more appearances on podcasts and things like Howard Stern and the shrill harpies on The View. On one hand, it’s pathetic that the President of the United States needs to be coddled and sheltered from reporters who may ask him unapproved questions. On the other hand, it’s good advice because this is Joe Biden.

A prime example was last night’s CNN interview with Erin Burnett. I ask that you watch this video twice. The first time, with the sound off. Look at Biden’s face.

Now watch Biden challenged on the economy and how bad he polls on it.

“Yeah, but people have more money in their pockets to pay the 30% more for groceries. I did that.”

This is where we argue statistics. The White House has numbers they say prove the fundamentals of the economy are strong. Critics will point to Americans having 36% more credit card debt under Biden while also having Over 7% less disposable income. The only numbers that matter to the American people are the number at the bottom of their grocery receipts compared to the number in their savings accounts. Biden’s message to you is to not believe your lying eyes.

“Derpity derp, your Snickers bar is smaller, derp.”

Ah, “shrinkflation,” where companies, to stay competitive and not raise prices when every level of production is made more expensive, will sometimes make things smaller in order to keep the sale price the same. Every level of production is more expensive due to Biden’s policies.

When you’re grocery shopping, what have you been noticing? That everything is more expensive than it was before Biden? Or that there are five fewer chips in your Pringles container? Again, we go back to your lying eyes.

“Corporate greeeeeeeeeeed, yackity schmakity.”

Six more months of this, folks. Serious. I’m not kidding.


Brodigan is Grand Poobah of this here website and when he isn’t writing words about things enjoys day drinking, pro-wrestling, and country music. You can find him on the Twitter too.

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