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I’m going to guess you don’t know who Josh Ocean Thomas is. I didn’t before today myself. But you’ve no doubt seen his crowd work now that engagement farming X-Twitter has gotten a hold of one of his clips from an engagement farming TikTok page which got the clip from the comedian’s actual TikTok page.

Some poor schlub at The Laugh Factory admitted out loud that he worked for the Biden Administration… traveling to the South to sell people on what a good president he’s been. Thomas, who refers to himself as a “a Jewish looking Arab,” went to town.

“What a sh*tshow of a job you have. I can’t believe you admitted that in front of all these people. You have the freedom to lie. You could have admitted you were a hooker and I would have been prouder of you.”

To be clear, I assign ZERO POLITICAL MOTIVE to this. There is a trend among the right to grab any bit and claim it’s BASED or MAGA because it will TRIGGER the Left. It’s like with people sharing clips from the Tom Brady roast. They aren’t a sign of “we’re back.” They are a sign of comedians understanding the assignment of a celebrity roast. And as a side note, Nikki Glaser’s CTE joke almost killed me.

Thomas no doubt has “anti-Trump” material as well. I mostly find this clip funny in light of a recent Politico article caping for late-night “comedians” and why they don’t joke about Joe Biden. Even though Biden has a hard-earned reputation as a gaffe machine.

The Donald Trump era — in which liberal media consumers salivated over takedowns of the president — has prompted a sea change in comedy that has carried over to Biden’s presidency, with late-night hosts appearing to view themselves as bulwarks against Trump, careful not to let their humor be perceived as advancing his interests in any way.

The reaction laid bare the new rules of late-night comedy — that hosts couldn’t think of Trump as just any politician anymore, nor could they think of themselves as simple comics. Their viewers demanded something different.

It’s because their viewers aren’t comedy fans. They’re bitterly partisan progressives who, if you have a platform, demand you use it to validate their agenda and worldview. Look how quickly they turned on Jon Stewart over a Wuhan lab leak bit. They’re miserable people, and if that’s who late-night “comedians” want to pander to, I’m not one to judge. Get it how you live.

This sixty seconds show that, if you are a comedian who would rather entertain people, it’s almost criminal not to mine the last three years of Biden for material. Americans want to laugh.

We need to. Look who our president is.


Brodigan is Grand Poobah of this here website and when he isn’t writing words about things enjoys day drinking, pro-wrestling, and country music. You can find him on the Twitter too.

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Lab-Leak Theory: BASED Jon Stewart VS COWARDLY Stephen Colbert | Louder With Crowderyoutu.be