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President Biden on Friday handed out a bunch of Presidential Medals of Freedom, the nation’s highest civilian honor. You might remember the liberals’ meltdown when President Trump awarded the medal to the late Rush Limbaugh during his State of the Union address.


Biden congratulated the “Presidential Freedom of Medal” recipients:

Among those honored by Biden were two climate grifters and “the greatest Speaker of the House in American history.”

“Known forever” … as the greatest stock trader in the House in American history.

Also honored was climate czar John Kerry, who went behind the president’s back to negotiate with Iran.



We don’t have video handy, but also awarded was fellow climate change grifter former Vice President Al Gore, who “was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize jointly with the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change for his bold action on climate change.”

“After winning the popular vote, he accepted the outcome of a disputed presidential election for the sake of our unity,” claims the White House in its press release. He accepted the outcome because he lost Florida, no matter how many “pregnant chads” they tried to count toward his total.
