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Nancy Pelosi’s handlers only grant interviews to people they feel won’t ask hard questions and/or in any way contradict the talking points they programmed Schmancy with that day. On occasion when the journalismer assigned to her has a fleeting moment of intellectual honesty, she short circuits. That happened with MSNBC’s Katy Tur. AKA, Keith Olbermann’s ex-girlfriend who allegedly beat the crap out of him.

When Democrats claim Joe Biden created eleventy billion jobs to replace the elventy billion jobs Donald Trump lost, it’s not uncommon when watching Louder with Crowder to point out that the Trump job losses were due to the global pandemic and the government forcing businesses to close. Hence, Biden’s job “gains” were those jobs coming back when the government told businesses they could open again.

It IS uncommon to hear that mentioned on MSNBC.

PELOSI: Derpity derp Trump’s a threat, Biden created eleventy million jobs after Trump destroyed those jobs with his bare hands.

TUR: That was a global pandemic.


TUR: …really, bitch?

It’s a common occurrence for Pelosi in reaction to the uncommon act of journalism in corporate news. In 2020, a milquetoast attempt at playing “devil’s advocate” over the stimulus bill Nancy and her party played politics on it caused a similar meltdown. Only instead of being a Trump apologist, PBS was being a Mitch McConnell apologist.

Democrats not only expect the media to shill for them, they demand it. There is no point in even having an MSNBC unless it’s to promote whatever the Left’s talking points are this week. Or having a PBS. Or having a CNN. Or having late-night “comedy shows.” And so on, and so forth.

When Nancy Pelosi’s handlers grant MSNBC an interview, they don’t expect an honest question. They expect nonsense like this.

Unfortunately for Nancy and the Democrats, Americans don’t trust MSNBC as much as they do their own pocketbooks.


Brodigan is Grand Poobah of this here website and when he isn’t writing words about things enjoys day drinking, pro-wrestling, and country music. You can find him on the Twitter too.

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TRUMP TRIAL DAY 2: Still Bullsh*t!youtu.be