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The “F*ck Joe Biden” and/or “Let’s Go Brandon” chants had died down somewhat, but Joe Biden sounds like he wants us to bring them back. That is the only reason I can think of for him to whine about a sign and a kid giving him the middle finger during a campaign stop in Scranton.

But first, someone lay down a fire beat…

Side note: everyone make sure Old Row gets their roses. Chanting “F*ck Joe Biden” would have never taken off had it not been for their hard work and dedication.

Biden, during this week in 2024, cried that a little kid have him the middle finger. In the kid’s defense, he may have thought giving a presidential candidate the middle finger would have gotten him interviewed on CNN.

Biden was decrying how divisive politics in America has gotten. No, he wasn’t talking about the political party he is in charge of deciding at the turn of the century that calling a president they disagree with “literal Hitler” was acceptable discourse. Nor was he talking about the political party he is in charge of declaring, since January 2009, that any American who had a different opinion than Democrat on any issues for any reason was a racist, sexist, homophobic, transphobic, extremist insurrection.

No, Joe Biden’s definition of “divisive” is Americans responding to all that.

People yelling “F*ck Joe Biden,” something that went international, had died down. The fact that he’s complaining about it now on the campaign trail means we OBVIOUSLY have to bring it back harder and louder than before. I don’t make the rules.

Not that Biden stopped sucking at life and people stopped letting him know about it. It just hasn’t been as loud as it was back in 2021, when college bros started chanting “F*ck Joe Biden” at football games. Other Americans joined in.

Then at a NASCAR race, while the crowd was chanting “F*ck Joe Biden,” a reporter thought they were chanting “Let’s Go Brandon.” That’s when “Let’s Go Brandon” became its own thing. It was the single most important event to take place in 2021.

In 2024, Joe Biden, as he runs for reelection, still sucks at being president. And if he is going to make complaining about kids flipping him off and people yelling “F*ck Joe Biden” part of his campaign, we OBVIOUSLY need to give him something to cry about.

Again, I don’t make the rules.


Brodigan is Grand Poobah of this here website and when he isn’t writing words about things enjoys day drinking, pro-wrestling, and country music. You can find him on the Twitter too.

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