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Blah blah blah, Stephen A. Smith isn’t on our side. I know. Pull the metal rod out of your rectum and enjoy content for what it is. Even though it comes from a place of warning Democrats to stop being stupid, I still enjoy him pointing out how stupid Democrats are being. His rants may not be full MAGA, but they are at least 50.1% MAGA. And this bit from Hannity is going to trigger the right people.

Early this week, Stephen A. pointed out how the trumped-up charges against Trump in Manhattan are b-b-b-bullshit, and only show Democrats are scared because they can’t beat Trump on policy. Hannity asked him about Trump attracting the Black vote, and how Trump says it’s because they relate to how unfairly he is being treated by the legal system.

Here comes the truth bomb.

When you see the law and law enforcement, the court system, and everything else being exercised against him, it is something that Black folks throughout this nation can relate to with some of our historic, iconic figures. We’ve seen that happen throughout society.

So, no matter what race, what ethnicity you may emanate from, we relate to you when you’re suffering like that ’cause we know we have. And that’s what he articulated. As unpopular as it was, as much as we didn’t like to hear it, it’s the truth.

Here’s the thing. This is the fun thing Stephen A. said, just for the sake of watching people drop X about it acting outraged. The more important thing is what Democrats don’t seem to get about Black voters (or Latino voters too for that matter). They’re struggling with the same illegal immigration problems, the same crime, and the same sh*tty economy as everyone else living in America.

When they hear “economy,” they don’t think of statistics and pie charts. They think MONEY—as in, the money they have less of, and that doesn’t go as far when they do have it. Joe Biden tells them his economy is great. Donald Trump agrees with them that it’s not and can list off all Biden’s policies that are to blame for it.

The only data that matters to voters is what I call the “me and everyone I know” metric. Assign a number to yourself based on your job status and how expensive you find everything (food, gas, utilities, etc.). Plus one for everyone you know who is doing okay. Minus one for everyone you know who is not. That’s the only number that matters to people when they vote, and it is how they judge the people they vote for.

Everyone has functioning eyes and can read data. They read their grocery receipts and the number on the gas pump. They can read the balances on their credit card bills and their savings account and see the discrepancy between the two.


Brodigan is Grand Poobah of this here website and when he isn’t writing words about things enjoys day drinking, pro-wrestling, and country music. You can find him on the Twitter too.

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