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I’d like to think that on my deathbed, as my one final act on Planet Earth, I’d use it to lighten the mood a little bit. I’d make it so that when my family was asked what my last words were, they remembered a killer zinger, possibly with a niece squirting Sprite out of her nose laughing. One awesome Canadian grandma had the opportunity, and she took it with one parting shot at our favorite pile of soy and hair goop, Justin “I Feel Pretty” Trudeau.

Our condolences to this lovely woman’s family, and thank you for remembering to do it for the content even in your time of mourning.

Deep down, Justin Trudeau knows how much he sucks and how much Canadians hate him. He only got 33% of the vote and is only Prime Minister because of Canada’s silly parliamentary system, instead of having a two-party system like a proper country. I doubt she’s the only person who, while on her deathbed, would have liked to have seen Trudeau on the wrong end of a bottle of maple syrup.

She is only the first to record her final bard for prosperity’s sake. I’m sure the conversation leading to this went something like this.

MEEMAW: Billy?

BILLY: (sniffles) Yes MeeMaw?

MEEMAW: Do you have your phone on you?

BILLY: Of course, MeeMaw. Do you want your favorite song?

MEEMAW: No. Open up the camera. I have one lat TikTok I want you to make sure goes viral.

MeeMaw rockets right up to the top of our favorite digs at Justin Trudeau. She surpasses a Toronto UFC audience telling Trudeau to go f*ck himself.

Honorable mention goes to the Canadian paratrooper, who was driven to drink by the entire Canadian government.

I’d like to know what MeeMaw’s specific gripe with Justin Trudeau was. Or if it was his overall body of work of sucking at life. We here at the Louder with Crowder Dot Com website can think of a few examples off of the top of our head.

Rest in peace, MeeMaw. Enjoy all-you-can-eat poutine in that giant Tim Horton’s in the sky.


Brodigan is Grand Poobah of this here website and when he isn’t writing words about things enjoys day drinking, pro-wrestling, and country music. You can find him on the Twitter too.

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