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You know the Deep State is trying to take down Trump. I’m beginning to think there is a MAGA State behind the scenes trying to take down Joe Biden as well. Decisions made by Team Biden can only be described as Trump having infiltrated the campaign and sabotaging it from the inside. I refuse to believe any self-respecting political operative would say to themselves, “Self, we need a video of Creepy Ol’ Joe walking away with little children and holding their hands.”

Though if they had any self-respect, they would have left Biden at the horse track with a snack and a note pinned to his sweater.

Biden, who critics say showered with his daughter Ashley (probably not appropriate) and whom “independent” “fact” checkers make up excuses for, has a certain way with children—a certain, creepy old man way.

Keeping all these images and so many more like them in mind, a person on Joe Biden’s campaign you would assume doesn’t hate the man landed in Scranton on Tuesday and said, “We need a bunch of little children to be led away by ‘The Big Guy.’ Pay one of them extra to hold his hand.”

He looks like he’s taking them away to a van that says “Ice Cream” on the side. On a piece of paper. In crayon. And he spelled “Cream” wrong. There’s only one ice cream flavor to choose from, and it smells like chloroform.

Or, I should say he looks like he is attempting to. Any sudden moves by one of the children and Biden would crumble to the ground and blame a sandbag. There are no sandbags around, but they know the media will repeat whatever they’re told to repeat.

I’m not opposed to staged PR stunts. But there are levels to this game.

We here at the Louder with Crowder Dot Com website pray that the children are safe and far away from who critics call “Pedo Peter.” And that whoever idea this was is kept far away from both kids and advance work.


Brodigan is Grand Poobah of this here website and when he isn’t writing words about things enjoys day drinking, pro-wrestling, and country music. You can find him on the Twitter too.

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