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As we are waiting for Donald Trump to name his running mate, we here some laudable names such as Kristi Noem, Tulsi Gabbard, Tim Scott, and other prominent figures as potential Vice Presidential material

What do we want in a Vice President? First, the idea that the VP could take the reins should something happen to the President.  Given the age of Donald Trump, this is a very legitimate concern.  What else?  How about winning their home state?  Being an asset to the ticket (Kamala fails that test)?  Unifying the ticket?  Being able to persuade suburban women (the ultimate swing vote nowadays) to vote Republican from the top of the ticket down?

Right now, the consensus is that there are seven swing states.  Ideally, the VP should come from one of the swing states to ensure that Donald Trump can put that swing state in the Republican column.  There is another swing state that has received little attention.


Current polling has Donald Trump within 3% in Virginia.  Popular Governor Glenn Youngkin (58% approval rating, January 4, 2024 Mason Dixon Polling & Strategy) would be a tremendous asset to the Republican ticket.  Consider:

  1. His record on education will in particular be an asset in bringing back suburban mothers back to the Republican party.  He supports parental control, brought a voice to parents concerned about the quality of their children’s education (remember his Democrat opponent stating “I don’t think parents should be telling schools what they should teach”?). 
  2. How he handled abortion in Virginia will put suburban mothers at ease.  Remember prior Governor Ralph Northam’s famous appalling quote regarding an expansion of third-term abortions (that did not become law thanks to a Republican legislature), “And when it’s born, we will make the baby comfortable until the mother decides if she wants it to live or die”?  Governor Youngkin has not changed the Virginia abortion law that allows abortions up to week 26 of a woman’s pregnancy — this is a position favored by 70% of Americans (Gallup, July 7, 2023).  Having Governor Youngkin on the ticket will go a long way to assuage concerns of suburban women that a Trump/Youngkin ticket would take away reproductive rights away from women.
  3. Governor Youngkin currently works with a divided legislature.  Having a popular Republican governor who must work across the aisle will go a long way to calming the misplaced notion that a Trump/Youngkin ticket will lead to a dictatorship. 
  4. Governor Youngkin has a record of reducing taxes — $5 billion in tax reduction that includes sales tax holiday for school supplies (suburban mothers, do you know this?), increasing spending on education (Moms?) and funding the state pensions (this isn’t solely his credit — but he has not undermined the state pension system like… Illinois).  He understands that our hard-earned dollars are ours — not dollars for the government to take
  5. Governor Youngkin rejected federal funds for illegal immigrants (“undocumented” for the PC crowd).  From The Hill (April 10, 2024), “Governor Youngkin… reject state legislation that would strengthen a federal program that conservatives say has led to undocumented immigrants receiving subsidized healthcare…”  This is pure common sense.  Why should we be asking taxpayers to subsidize any benefits for illegal immigrants? 
  6. In any two-party system, there are factions.  Having Governor Youngkin as the Vice President will help unify the Republican party more so as he is a moderate Republican with a track record of reducing taxes supporting education and working across the aisle — traits needed to win over the suburban women (and independents).
  7. Consider Governor Youngkin’s experience before becoming a governor — private sector.  Biden/Harris are career politicians (grifters) while a Trump/Youngkin ticket represents the dynamic private sector that makes our country great.  Youngkin’s experience in finance, energy, real estate, and infrastructure from a private sector perspective can only be an asset to President Trump’s private sector experience.
  8. Governor Youngkin is 57.  Should something happen to President Trump — certainly a possibility — having a young Vice President ready to serve is a tremendous asset.  Does anyone think Vice President Harris is up to the job of being President of the USA should something happen to an obviously diminished President Biden?
  9. By having Governor Youngkin as VP candidate, the Democrats will now have to defend a blue/purple state with a very popular Republican governor that they were not planning on defending.  This becomes yet another state that will be very much in play for Republicans and make the road to 270 electoral votes that much easier to attain.
  10. Having Governor Youngkin as VP ensures the Republicans will be the clear front runners in 2028 when he would be the likely Republican Presidential nominee.

There you have it.  A common-sense VP who appeals to suburban women, values the parents’ role in education, has left existing abortion laws unchanged in Virginia, reduces taxes, does not favor spending taxpayer dollars on illegal immigrants, has genuine private-sector experience, will further unite the Republican party, has an ability to work across the aisle, and is under age 60.  Nothing against Governor Noem or Senator Scott, but Glenn Youngkin is the VP candidate who can bring the Republicans across the finish line this November.

President Trump, you need to know when to go through the door.  Break bread with Governor Youngkin and make this happen for the sake of our country.

Image: Kate Magee Photography