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In a normal world, squatters wouldn’t have rights. Breaking into homes is illegal in most places, except for an increasing number of progressive-run cities. There, you as a homeowner have less rights than the criminal stealing your home from you. In response, a Florida sheriff is going viral for encouraging homeowners to shoot intruders. He isn’t talking about squatting, but a) you know how the internet is, and b) man’s got a point.

The most egregious squatters’ rights story was last week as a NYC woman was ARRESTED for taking her home back from the people who broke into it. This video of a sheriff started working its way around X-Twitter. “If somebody is breaking into your house, you’re more than welcome to shoot at them in Santa Rosa County. We prefer that you do, actually.”

That’s Santa Rosa County Sheriff Bob Johnson, and the video is from two years ago. We here at the Louder with Crowder Dot Com website are what you would call Florida sheriff stans.

The thing is, Sheriff Johnson wasn’t talking about squatters because the video is from 2022. He was talking about a good, ol’ fashion breaking and entering. It was still enough to cause Leftist outrage that he would encourage good guys to shoot bad guys. So much so, that he made it a point to double down on the rhetoric.

“If somebody breaks in your house in Santa Rosa County, and you shoot and kill ’em, the chances of them reoffending after that are zero—and we like those odds. In Santa Rosa County, if you break into a house, you roll the dice.”

While Sheriff Johnson is still uber-based, he is not encouraging you to shoot squatters who entered your home. He is only encouraging you to shoot intruders if you are IN the home as they are breaking in.

Though Florida just passed a law eliminating what is known in blue areas as “squatters rights.” There is a chance if you ask Sheriff Johnson now, he may advocate for utilizing your Second Amendment rights. But you should probably attempt to call the police first.


Brodigan is Grand Poobah of this here website and when he isn’t writing words about things enjoys day drinking, pro-wrestling, and country music. You can find him on the Twitter too.

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