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Exhibit Q in how little respect world leaders have for our pudding-headed president is this 60 Minutes interview with Mexico president Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador. I can’t imagine Obrador going on American television and listing his demands when Donald Trump was president. Of course, there wasn’t a border crisis when Trump was president, as Joe Biden started it on literally his first day in office. But none of that is the issue here.

Obrador says the “flow of migrants will continue” unless the following demands are met:

  • $20 billion a year in American taxpayer money sent to Latin America and the Caribbean
  • Lift sanctions on Venezuela
  • End the Cuban embargo
  • Legalize illegals already in America

We here at the Louder with Crowder Dot Com website would like to present a counteroffer:

The president of Mexico having a list of demands for stopping the invasion of his people into our country is the diplomatic equivalent of Justin Trudeau calling Biden a “pussy.” Not that Obrador hasn’t been this brazen over the last four years. This is the same guy who, in 2021, less than two months after Biden started the border crisis, said that illegals viewed Biden as “the migrant president” because they knew if they rushed the border, Biden would let them in.

Since then, Mexico’s president has praised our president for NOT building the wall in order to stop illegal immigration. He’s called on American Hispanics to reject Ron DeSantis because DeSantis was too anti-illegal immigration for his liking.

And my personal favorite. Running an anti-drug ad in Mexico using footage from Philadelphia of junkies strung out on fentanyl… THAT HAS BEEN FLOWING IN ACROSS THE BORDER FROM MEXICO.

We now have a list of demands from Obrador that if they are not met, and these are his words, the flow of migrants will continue.

On a related note, American voters have listed immigration as their number one concern in the upcoming election. Donald Trump is favored over Joe Biden by twenty-eight points.


Brodigan is Grand Poobah of this here website and when he isn’t writing words about things enjoys day drinking, pro-wrestling, and country music. You can find him on the Twitter too.

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