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For Immediate Release: March 14, 2024
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Pregnant Women Are Sold Abortions 97% of the Time at Planned Parenthood

Washington, D.C. – In the latest stop on the Biden-Harris abortion fearmongering tour, Vice President Kamala Harris will visit a Planned Parenthood abortion center in Minnesota on Thursday, marking a first for a sitting vice president. Susan B. Anthony Pro-Life America slammed the Biden-Harris administration in a statement:

“Kamala Harris has spent her whole career in the pocket of Big Abortion. When brave citizen journalists exposed Planned Parenthood’s selling of baby body parts, then-Attorney General Harris prosecuted the whistleblowers. The corruption continues as the Biden-Harris DOJ throws nonviolent pro-life activists in prison,” said SBA Pro-Life America President Marjorie Dannenfelser. “As America’s largest abortion business, Planned Parenthood is far from benign. While fewer and fewer cancer screenings or prenatal services are provided, they brutally ended more than 374,000 babies’ lives in the last reported year and raked in over half a billion dollars from taxpayers. Meanwhile their political arm spends more than any other abortion-related group to lobby the federal government against commonsense policies like protecting babies born alive after failed abortions.

Nearly 70% of women who’ve had an abortion say it was unwanted, coerced or inconsistent with their own values and preferences. Yet 97% of the time, pregnant women are sold an abortion at Planned Parenthood rather than helped to keep their child or make an adoption plan. Recently in Missouri, they were caught abetting the trafficking of a minor, saying, ‘We never tell the parents anything.’ In Minnesota Planned Parenthood performs at least 70% of abortions, profiting from a lack of protections for life in the law and Democrat policies to encourage abortion tourism from other states.

“Contrast this with the compassionate and truly empowering support offered by thousands of pregnancy resource centers across America, not only during pregnancy but well after their child is born. Under the Trump-Pence administration, Mike Pence became the first sitting vice president to visit a pregnancy resource center. It couldn’t be clearer who is aligned with the overwhelming majority of Americans who support pregnancy centers and want fewer abortions, not more. We need leaders who will champion national minimum protections at least when babies in the womb can feel pain, to stop Planned Parenthood and the Democrats’ all-trimester, no-limits abortion agenda. They are extreme and wildly out of step with America.”

Fewer and fewer services, more abortions. Learn more in Charlotte Lozier Institute’s Fact Sheet: Planned Parenthood’s 2021-22 Annual Report.

Multiple post-Dobbs polls show that at least seven in 10 Americans support significant limits on abortion. SBA Pro-Life America is tracking the pro-abortion extremism of the Biden-Harris administration at sbaprolife.org/biden-harris.

Susan B. Anthony Pro-Life America is a network of more than one million pro-life Americans nationwide, dedicated to ending abortion by electing national leaders and advocating for laws that save lives, with a special calling to promote pro-life women leaders.


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