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I remember reading in 2019 that then-New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo, working with then-New York City Mayor Bill DeBlasio, who hated one another, decided it was a good idea to empty the prisons because there were “too many black men in prison” due to “systemic racism.” This struck me as a horrible idea, yet other left-leaning cities and states soon followed suit.


A year later in 2020, as BLM was burning our big, blue toilet towns to the ground in honor of a career criminal named George Floyd, it was also busy hoovering mad stacks from big corporations. I couldn’t understand why big business was paying the people torching our cities. While we watched the fiery but mostly peaceful protests across the nation, Democrat-run cities passed cashless bail laws to keep criminals on the streets. Clearly another horrendous decision, I thought. Can leftists be this stupid?

In a final blow to law and order, police departments were defunded. Progressives called for fewer cops and more mental health officials to respond to police situations. What could an unarmed social worker possibly contribute to a call of a naked man with a machete hacking people up in a Denny’s? This struck me as the worst idea yet. 

Then Democrat-run cities made shoplifting all but legal.

Who could think these were good ideas?

FACT-O-RAMA! Tyranny comes disguised as virtue. None of the plans were meant to help black folks.They were designed to cause chaos and to cripple capitalist companies, many of which donated money to BLM.

Liberals decided there were too many black men in prison, not because they commit crimes wildly out of proportion to their numbers but because of America’s “systemic racism.” Thus they were let out of jail. Cashless bail was instituted to keep them out, and police departments were defunded to ensure fewer were arrested. What could go wrong?


Cities burned and people died while BLM raked in piles of cash for their crimes. The Pravda Press pretended the riots were “mostly peaceful.”

It was obvious to me this plan would result in a crime wave, one that would likely “disproportionately affect” black communities, which was the Marxist plan all along.  

PINKO-RAMA! Since 2020, commie ideas like those I have mentioned have cost more black lives in three years than the KKK killed in its entire 157-year existence, and the Democrats embraced these ideas.

BLM, like every other filthy Marxist institution, has two goals: make the founders rich and cause chaos. BLM never planned to help stop “systemic racism.” That was merely the excuse to call for sweeping changes that would not help black folks — quite the contrary — but would result in mayhem. The goal was to keep innocent civilians in a state of panic and make mad stacks doing it. They succeeded.

SYSTEMIC RACISM-O-RAMA! Detroit, Philly, Chicago, Milwaukee, Portland, Seattle, San Francisco, Oakland, and Los Angeles, cities with thousands of black men in prison, are run by Democrats, most of them for decades. Many have black police chiefs. If systemic racism is real, it is a Democrat problem.

Police chiefs around the nation began to resign as anarchists burned and looted their cities. Many chiefs were black, Hispanic, and/or female, like Seattle Police Chief Carmen Best. The minority chiefs had to go first. Nothing disproves systemic racism in policing like having a black man or woman as the top cop.


How did political leaders not see the carnage BLM was causing? How could big business support this? They saw it and embraced it. Here is why.

In 1963, Rep. Albert Herlong (D-Fla.) entered into Congress the 45 Goals of Communism to be achieved in the U.S.A. These goals read like a road map for the carnage caused in 2019-2020.

Related: How the West Was Woke, to the Point of Near Extinction

Why did businesses donate tens of millions of dollars to an admittedly Marxist group, BLM, which was gutting the nation? Because the corporations were full of Marxists. 

Many adopted the commie-licious ideal of diversity, equity, and inclusivity (DEI). Needless to say, those DEI officials urged their employers to hire more Marxists and to fund BLM, which kept the fires burning and bought more than a few mansions for their leaders. 

Communist goal #37: Infiltrate and gain control of big business.

Why did Democrat politicians allow and even encourage the violence of 2020 by calling it the “summer of love.” 

Communist goal #42: Create the impression that violence and insurrection are legitimate aspects of the American tradition, that students and special-interest groups should rise up and use “united force“ to solve economic, political, or social problems.

Why would lefty cities foolishly gut their police departments and try to replace cops with social workers?


Communist goal #38. Transfer some of the powers of arrest from the police to social agencies. Treat all behavioral problems as psychiatric disorders which no one but psychiatrists can understand [or treat].

 But why would the commies want mental health workers in charge of anything?

Communist goal #39. Dominate the psychiatric profession and use mental health laws as a means of gaining coercive control over those who oppose Communist goals.

Hey, what do you know? Leftists vastly dominate the mental health care industry in the United States.

Related: The Marxism in Front of You That You Can’t Unsee, Volume I: Trans Insanity

What have we learned?

We have learned that nothing that took place in 2019-2020 should have been a surprise. We’ve had the playbook since 1963. While We the People were living our lives, the Marxists were using the 45 goals of communism to destroy our Republic.

FACT-O-RAMA! The Black Panther Party was formed in 1966 and was soon hijacked by Marxists.

The Marxists in BLM, big business, the Operation Mockingbird news media, and the Democratic Party worked together to create a situation of pandemonium and make $90 million for BLM while they did it.


We also learned black lives never mattered to Black Lives Matter. Black folks were nothing but expendable pawns to the communists in charge.

And while we are focused on the 45 goals of communism, let’s not forget goal #35: Discredit and eventually dismantle the FBI.

Never mind; I’m ok with that one.