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America First Report

(Zero Hedge)—Today’s journalists, much like trial lawyers, have a habit of cross-examining their subjects with the intent to find weaknesses rather than find the actual truth of a matter.  They also often ask questions already knowing what kind of answer they’re going to get.  It’s not about getting the answer, it’s about planting seeds.

For example, every time the media presents a “question” regarding alleged collusion between Donald Trump and Vladimir Putin the goal is not to get an honest answer, but to repeat the conspiracy theory as often as possible so that the accusation remains embedded in the collective consciousness.

This was once again the case at the recent BRICS Summit held in Kazan, Russia.  Asking tough questions is one thing – but presenting accusations without any evidence to back them is another.

The far-left media have been debunked at every turn when it comes to the Russiagate narrative.  Both Trump and Putin have denied any relationship and all the “evidence” that supposedly ties Trump to Putin has been exposed as fabricated.  After nearly a decade of intense scrutiny if there was any legitimate collusion between Trump and Russia it would have been found by now.

Putin quickly pointed out that inquiries by US officials have found no collusion involving Trump and that the claims are nonsense.  That should be the end of it, but again, the western media is not interested in facts, they’re interested in narratives.

The establishment has also aimed its crosshairs at Elon Musk this week, with the Associated Press claiming an “anonymous source” confirmed to them that Musk has had regular phone calls with Vladimir Putin since 2022.  Again, none of this is supported by concrete evidence and the goal of the media is simply to plant the idea out there in the minds of the public as if it means something nefarious is afoot.

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Musk is a private citizen, not a government official, and he has the right to talk to whoever he pleases.  It’s not surprising for an international businessman to have contact with world leaders for any number of reasons.  Not to mention, the US is not at war with Russia (officially), but the media is acting as if this is the case.

Putin talked extensively on the reasons for the Russian invasion of Ukraine, arguing that it was NATO involvement in sparking the Maidan Revolution in 2014 that led to Russia’s decision to go to war.  He also asserted that foreign military elements from NATO countries are heavily involved in Ukraine’s defensive efforts on the ground, stating that “we are aware” what’s really going on.

The Russian leader seems to be suggesting here that if Ukraine can invite foreign assets into the war, then so can Russia.

As for the presence of North Korean troops in Russia, Putin doesn’t deny it.  Satellite images and some leaked video seem to show North Korean soldiers in training areas near the eastern coast of Russia, but this is thousands of miles away from the Ukrainian front.  There is no evidence that North Koreans are currently fighting in Ukraine.  If this ends up being the intent, then yes, it would be considered an escalation by NATO, but not necessarily a rationale for NATO troops to enter the war.

Such a move would immediately trigger a world war; an outcome which the Ukrainians are certainly desperate for as their defensive lines collapse, but not an outcome which the majority of Americans and Europeans are willing to accept.

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Between the globalists, corporate interests, and our own government, the food supply is being targeted from multiple angles. It isn’t just silly regulations and misguided subsidies driving natural foods away. Bird flu, sabotaged food processing plants, mysterious deaths of entire cattle herds, arson attacks, and an incessant push to make climate change the primary consideration for all things are combining for a perfect storm to exacerbate the ongoing food crisis.

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America First Report