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Maybe we have underestimated Kamala Harris for years. Maybe, instead of a floundering Presidential candidate who gets increasingly screechy and acrid every day the election gets closer, she is actually a renowned international spy able to blend into any environment. 


We already know she can pull off a French accent (remember, she was raised in Canada). But as the 2024 election campaign has unfolded, Harris has shown a Rich Little-like scary talent for adopting any accent for any occasion. ‘

Southern dandy? Check. Jamaican Rastafarian? Check. Kammy from the block? Check. Spicy Latinx? Check.

(AOC may have helped her with that last one.)

We could go on, but we don’t want to explode any sarcasm meters out there. Earlier this morning, we were treated to a brand-new accent from the code-switching Mistress of Voice Disguises, as she debuted ‘Southern Baptist Preacher’ at a church in Philadelphia. 


Praise be! Is the spirit moving you yet? Other than to throw up, that is? 

Now, we could mention here how Kamala was never even raised in a Christian church, but instead raised on the traditions of the vengeful Hindu goddess Kali, but we’d prefer to just let Twitter drag Harris for yet another fake accent that made the entire platform die of cringe. 

If that spell was Harry Potter’s ‘Vomitare Viridis,’ then it worked. 



Just tell her there are votes available in Louisiana and she’ll bust it out. 

After all, as Twitchy reported yesterday, she’s coming hilariously close to a German Nazi accent with many of her recent speeches.

Don’t give her any ideas. She’s so desperate, she’ll do it. 


Yes, we have not forgotten how Harris once gave the exact same speech, on the exact same day, with two different accents: one for Detroit, one for Pittsburgh. 

Craptastic, craptacular, crapalicious. That’s Harris in a nutshell. 

And it is truly baffling how many Democrats refuse to even acknowledge it. 


She may even carry hot sauce in her purse.

We apologize, Twitchy readers, for subjecting you to this audio torture yet again. 

We imagine churchgoers might also be offended by the fact that Harris recently told two young men they were at the ‘wrong rally’ for saying ‘Jesus is Lord.’

But now she be preachin’. 

Yeah, right. 

Among many, many other reasons. 

LOL. We would die laughing if she went with ‘Valley Girl.’ 

‘Snobbish Elites’ is really her go-to though. 

Oh, we take our last comment back. ‘Drunk Communist’ is definitely Harris’s most natural accent. 



Harris regularly displays more than a few sociopathic personality traits. 


Yes, we’re going to pray for the joy to cometh on the morning of November 6 when, hopefully, America will never have to hear from Kamala Harris again. 

Not in any accent.