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In the waning days of this contentious 2024 presidential election cycle, Democrats are desperate to attack everything and anything that’s even remotely positive for Donald J. Trump. As they usually do, they are gearing up for a gluttonous last-minute campaign spending spree that includes a billboard campaign targeting low-propensity and low-information young voters. 


What’s their ammunition this time? It’s the former president’s response to past natural disasters. 

PJ Media has obtained an email from the nonprofit Democratic Party fundraising PAC ActBlue, in which leftists encourage financial contributions to enable billboards to be put up in the critical swing states of Florida, Georgia, and North Carolina “to serve as a stark reminder of Trump’s priorities and the way his policies harm communities” in areas hit by natural disasters. 

Last week, the first billboards in the attack went up in Raleigh, Charlotte, Savannah, and West Palm Beach, with more to come courtesy of the so-called “anti-fascists” Dem Mad Dog PAC. The billboards will remain up through Election Day.

According to the ActBlue email, Orange Man Bad is bad on disaster relief because, well, Orange Man and MAGA are Bad. Duh.

As Hurricanes Helene and Milton ravaged the Southeast over the past month, Donald Trump and MAGA Republicans spread rampant disinformation about the federal government’s response–which slowed disaster relief and led to death threats against Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) staff and even meteorologists.”

However, as is typical, the leftists at ActBlue left out many critical points. They also warped the factual claims with supportive hit pieces from the slobbering, pro-Harris legacy media. Blue bias, anyone? Trump and MAGA reported what residents and officials in the disaster areas were reporting. How exactly is relaying firsthand information “disinformation”?


As unconscionable as it is, politicizing disaster relief, including when lives hang in the balance, is not new for Trump. As president, he cut $155 million from FEMA. $155 million! And multiple high-level officials who served in his administration say he also deliberately denied disaster relief funds to states that did not vote for him.

Um, “politicizing disaster relief”? Do you mean like fundraising off of your fellow Americans’ hardships and heartaches during a disaster by sending out desperate political emails like this one? Hypocrisy, much? Yes, please.

Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas recently admitted that “FEMA does not have the funds to make it through the season.” Well, Mayorkas is part of the Biden-Harris administration, not Trump’s.

As PJ Media’s Stephen Green and Kevin Downey Jr. reported, in reality, “Biden-Harris, FEMA spent $650 million this fiscal year providing services and housing to illegal aliens. And $364 million the year before that.” $650 million! $364 million! Biden-Harris funneled FEMA funds to illegal aliens through its Shelter and Services Program, not to Americans for disaster relief! 

Unquestionably, the Left and their “deliberately denied disaster relief funds” caused unnecessary deaths and additional hardships for Americans.

Meanwhile, a “vengeful” and “self-interested” Trump was so Orange Man Bad during the hurricanes that he napped contentedly on a Delaware beach and then attended numerous ‘joyous” campaign events while Americans lost their homes, possessions, and even their lives . . . Oh, wait. That was President Joe Biden and the VP of JOY!, Kamala Harris. 


In truth, former President Trump waited an appropriate amount of time to avoid interfering with rescue efforts. He respectfully visited western North Carolina areas hit by Hurricane Helene. And as PJ Media’s Catherine Salgado reported, he went “out of his way to offer help and compassion to those who need[ed] it most.” Wow, what an Orange Man Bad. Hide yo wife, hide yo kids. 

Speaking of kids, ActBlue is targeting them specifically.

We’re putting [billboards] up in places with the highest concentration of left-leaning “surge voters”–largely young people and people in other marginalized groups who do not consistently vote. These are the very same voters we’re focused on turning out through our data-driven, large-scale get-out-the-vote program.

Because isn’t that exactly who we want to decide our futures? Clueless “young people” and others who have just now (finally!) tuned in to possibly the most monumental election cycle ever. One that has only been running for more than two years. Let’s hope they simply yawn into their lattes and aren’t inspired to vote merely because they saw an ActBlue disinformation billboard on their way to Chipotle.

Thankfully, low-propensity young voters are not likely to be influenced by old-school, low-tech billboards; however, the last part of that quote is concerning. Republicans with younger voters in the family need to be vigilant. The Democrats and ActBlue (but I repeat myself) are targeting our Gen Z kids with this very same mis- and disinformation (hey, don’t blame me; I don’t make up these cringe terms). The billboard attacks may not influence our young voters, but ActBlue will find Gen Z where they live on social media platforms like Instagram, TikTok, YouTube, and Snapchat. We must ensure our young voters know the truth and influence them to vote accordingly as if our futures depend on it — because it does.
