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Spanish-speaking media are very much part and parcel of the Regime Media. Proof evident of that is a recent panel exchange on Univision’s Sunday public affairs show Al Punto, where one of the anchors literally bemoaned the fact that voters don’t read The Economist before weighing in on the economy.

Watch as weekend anchor Felix De Bedout talks down to voters:

JORGE RAMOS: I want to ask you about the (Kamala Harris) camp- let’s see.

FELIX DE BEDOUT: I want to- something on the economy. This is The Econ- this is the cover of The Economist. One of the world’s most important magazines on the economy. And what’s the (cover) title? “The Envy of the World.” 

RAMOS: So the United States is the envy of the world.

DE BEDOUT: America’s economy. The envy of the world.

RAMOS: If you compare it, of course, with Europe and Latin America. 

DE BEDOUT: And that is one of the biggest problems for the Biden Administration and for Kamala. They’ve not been able to explain where we’ve come from and why we are here. And, of course, because when people go grocery shopping, things are more expensive. Gas is more expensive. And they’re not reading The Economist.

Al Punto recently underwent a format change, perhaps as a function of host Jorge Ramos leaving Univision and no longer being interested in hosting partisan talking heads. Instead of having campaign surrogates debate the issues of the day, Ramos now has his Univision colleagues in a roundtable format. The exchanges are sometimes predictable, sometimes interesting.

Such is the case with weekend anchor De Bedout. Nothing screams being in touch with The People like complaining that they don’t read The Economist. One can reasonably infer that if the cost of food, gas, and groceries are substantially higher versus wages, and people are having a harder time to cover these, then perhaps there isn’t 12 bucks laying around for a copy of The Economist. Unfortunately for Univision’s viewers, they don’t have to worry about laying out for the latest issue because they can get browbeaten onTV for free.