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Today is International Religious Freedom Day (IRFD), and religious freedom is in serious danger in America, as the Biden-Harris administration has censored, arrested, imprisoned, and fired Americans for publicly avowing their beliefs.


From military members fired for religious objections to the Covid-19 vaccines to Jan. 6 protesters abused in jail to pro-lifers sentenced like criminals, Americans have been persecuted by the increasingly anti-Jewish and anti-Christian Democrat regime, which tramples our constitutional rights.

When students shouted “Christ is king,” Kamala told them they were at the “wrong rally.” As Islamic terrorists continually attack the nation of Israel for being Jewish, Harris and co. have repeated the terrorists’ propaganda. As anti-Semitic incidents shoot up in America, and pro-Hamas rioters scream genocidal slogans and attack Jews on college campi and city streets, the Biden-Harris administration has announced initiatives against “Islamophobia.” The Democrat VP just affirmed again that she doesn’t believe in religious exemptions for abortion, and she has a track record of supporting legislation to force Catholic institutions to accept homosexual unions, transgenderism, and abortion.

Among the pro-lifers jailed for publicly witnessing to their belief in the sanctity of all human life is Eva Edl, an 89-year-old lady who was born in Yugoslavia, survived the Nazis’ Holocaust and the scourge of Communism, and felt called by God when in America to try and stop mothers from killing their own children in abortion. For her loving and faith-filled witness, Eva could die in prison, thanks to the Biden-Harris administration, which ignored dozens of violent pro-abortion activist attacks but is running a vendetta against pro-lifers.


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Eva is one of a number of pro-lifers prosecuted by the Feds of alleged violations of the Freedom of Access to Clinic Entrances (FACE) Act, because they stood at an abortion clinic entrance. One pro-lifer sentenced to 3 years in prison is young mother Bevelyn Beatty Williams. Meanwhile, hundreds of thousands of vicious criminals are among the illegal alien flood the Democrats continue to welcome into America.

Then there’s the brave service men and women who were forced to get a Covid-19 vaccine tied to/tainted with aborted fetal remains or leave the military. According to Military.com in Jan. 2023, 36,500 military members in all sought a religious exemption from the Covid shots, and only “a fraction” had them approved. American Military News reported that more than 8,000 troops were discharged over the Covid shots. 

In Nov. 2022, unvaccinated West Point cadets — including those who requested religious exemptions — were suddenly given 10 hours to agree to get the Covid shots or be punished/kicked out, just in time for Veterans Day. That’s how the Biden-Harris administration showed their gratitude to religious troops and cadets who dedicated their lives to serving our country.

Then there are the egregious rights abuses of the Jan. 6 protesters. Dinesh D’Souza’s “Police State” movie told the story of Matt Perna, a peaceful January 6 protester who was threatened with a terrorism charge and 20 years in jail, and hanged himself in despair. D’Souza interviewed an old man who was targeted as a January 6 protester. His apartments were raided by multiple armed men and he was slandered on TV, even though he never entered the Capitol and he walked with a cane.


The image of the old man sitting in church weeping as he described the nightmare he endured is seared in my memory. But the Biden-Harris administration wants to cause agony to church-goers — we all know now how the FBI targeted Catholics as potential terrorists and how the media screeches constantly about the supposed extremism of “Christian nationalism,” as if most of our Founders weren’t Christian nationalists. Christians aren’t forming violent mobs to attack abortion clinics, yet the anti-religion Democrats hate Christians.

The FBI was exposed for having so many paid informants in the crowd on Jan. 6 that it lost count of the number, and there is video evidence to show not only that the majority of protesters were peaceful, but that law enforcement invited them in. Jan. 6 did involve multiple incidents of police brutality — including the murders of Ashli Babbitt and Rosanne Boyland — and FBI agents were even accused of destroying/tampering with evidence that could have helped Jan. 6 defendants. Jan. 6 protesters ate abused and denied basic rights in jail. Their response? To pray and sing the National Anthem every night. 

Jake Lang, a J6er who has been in jail for well over three years without trial (and continually put in solitary confinement), claims to have been repeatedly targeted by prison authorities. One of his attempts to speak out was a “prison ministry” podcast and his latest solitary confinement stint is allegedly tied to his posting a prayer video.


This International Religious Freedom Day, prepare to vote as if your religious freedom depends on it — because that’s exactly the situation we are in.