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Welcome to the RedState Weekly Briefing  — where we take a quick look at the week’s most viewed stories in case you missed any of them. Grab a cup of coffee (or something stronger as we head into the homestretch of election season), and sit down with this 21st Century Weekend Edition of your favorite (online) publication!


#1 – Kamala Harris Got Into Law School Via a Program She Didn’t Qualify For — by Jim Thompson

At the start of the program in the early 70s, new students admitted through LEOP did not fare well. The dropout rate was high, so the school instituted a more “hands-on” routine assigning one-on-one tutors to help navigate law school for LEOP students. On paper, the program wasn’t intended for one of her social position of privilege. 

Harris was immersed in Indian culture growing up in Montreal. Her family traveled the world. Her mother was taken aback when a Head Start teacher was “shocked” that Harris wasn’t from the poor side of Oakland. Harris’s mother told him that Kamala was the daughter of privilege. Harris didn’t fit into the intended target demographic that LEOP was designed for – but she fully took advantage of her ethnic heritage. At least one side of it. Once admitted under the program Haris joined the BLSA (Black Law Students Association). Raised by her Indian mother, Harris found more currency in being black.  

#2 – Ben Shapiro Took on 25 Kamala Harris Voters in a Debate, and the Results Were Incredible — by Bonchie

It just keeps going from there, but I needed to stop transcribing it before my brain rotted. To summarize, what that woman was trying to do is what pro-abortion fanatics always do: They seek to invent any argument that avoids dealing with the moral issue of ending a human life. As Shapiro notes, no one could care about abortion if it only included c-sections in which the babies live. The entire point of the argument is over the termination of human life. 

Pro-abortion radicals always seek to deflect because deep down, they know what is happening is morally wrong. Thus, they hang onto “exceptions” and the redefining of basic terms instead of just owning what they claim to support. It’s transparent, and that Shapiro was able to keep his cool in that exchange is a credit to him.


#3 – MSNBC Goes Into Full Meltdown Mode As Trump Gets Huge Crowd and Cheers at McDonald’s — by Nick Arama

What’s unstable about working at McDonald’s? Are they really going that route to insult the people who work there? Every politician running for office does things like this traditionally. 

MSNBC also tried to float Kamala’s desperate last-ditch propaganda that Trump was “unstable,” which was a silly rebuttal, seeing as he just worked with the folks at McDonald’s to serve folks. They really are clueless. Plus, the claim that he doesn’t have an economic plan is just laughable, when it’s really Kamala Harris who has offered up nothing up but word salads. And they had to slip in the “threat to democracy” mantra, which is a little hard to sell when he’s handing out food at the drive-thru. 

Bottom line? They just can’t deal — and it’s a beautiful thing to see.

#4 – Holy Crap: Josh Hawley Shows No Mercy After Shooting Event Hosted by Democrat Opponent Goes Wildly Wrong — by Sister Toldjah

For some, the incident brought to mind the infamous 2006 hunting accident involving then-Vice President Dick Cheney, who “accidentally shot and wounded a companion during a weekend quail hunting trip in Texas, spraying the fellow hunter in the face and chest with shotgun pellets.”

Thankfully, Gamboa was okay after being treated and released from the hospital. Meanwhile, Kunce’s tweet about the incident, where he focused on how he tended to Gamboa’s wound, got some attention from Hawley and some of his senior Senate staffers:


#5 – Kamala Harris ‘Town Hall’ With Liz Cheney Blows Up on the Launch Pad, and Just Gets Worse From There — by Bonchie

Nothing says “town hall” like pre-determined questions, no doubt submitted by the campaign itself. The statement from the Shriver that she might “ask some questions that might be in your head” is especially great. Sure, people showed up hoping to actually garner tangible information from Harris, but isn’t hoping that the moderator might ask a question somewhat related to something you care about basically the same thing?

Keep in mind that we are still in the middle of a Democrat freak-out over Donald Trump visiting a McDonald’s, with left-wingers letting it be known the event was “staged.” Well, is a “town hall” in which no one can ask questions “staged?” Asking for a friend.