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Nature’s multivitamin: Barley grass helps protect the body from numerous diseases

Barley grass, sometimes called “barley greens,” comes from the same plant that gives us barley grain – Hordeum vulgare – but it is harvested long before the grind is ready to grow. It is a bright green grass, packed with antioxidants, fiber, vitamins and minerals.

It is “nature’s multivitamin.” Barley grass is also considered a “functional food,” which means it doesn’t just feed your body – it also helps protect it from diseases. (Related: Barley goes from ancient grain to whole grain: New “buck naked” hull-free variety has higher nutrition for uses in food, feed, brew.)

Barley grass is being researched for its role in helping prevent chronic illnesses and even in supporting the body’s healing process. By including functional foods like barley grass in your diets, you may improve your quality of life and reduce the risk of developing diseases.

Take a look at what makes barley grass so special.


Antioxidants are your body’s defense against molecules called “free radicals.” These molecules come from cigarette smoke, environmental pollution, processed foods and even stress. Left unchecked, free radicals can cause damage to your cells – leading to inflammation and diseases like cancer and heart disease. Barley grass is loaded with antioxidant vitamins, minerals, flavonoids and polyphenols, which help neutralize these free radicals and protect your body from harm.


Chlorophyll is the pigment that makes plants green and helps them absorb sunlight for photosynthesis – during which these green plants (and other organisms) capture light energy to convert carbon dioxide, water and minerals into energy-rich organic compounds and life-giving oxygen.

It turns out chlorophyll is also great for humans with its powerful detoxifying effect – helping your body eliminate toxins and other harmful substances. It also promotes healing and may even improve oxygen flow in the blood.

Amino acids

Proteins are made up of amino acids and barley contains all nine essential amino acids (histidine, isoleucine, leucine, lysine, methionine, phenylalanine, threonine, tryptophan and valine) – making it a complete protein. Barley grass also contains alanine, amide, arginine, aspartic acid, cystine, glutamic acid, glycine, tyrosine, purines and serine.

These amino acids act as the building blocks for just about everything in your body – your hair, muscles, skin and even your immune system. They help build muscle, repair tissues and are involved in many important processes, like enzyme production and hormone regulation. Some amino acids, like tryptophan, even help produce melatonin, which regulates your sleep-wake cycle, and serotonin, the “feel good” hormone that naturally uplifts your mood.

Amino acids from barley grass don’t just support the physical structures of your body – they also assist in detoxification, enhance the body’s ability to heal itself and help improve mental functions,


Short for gamma-aminobutyric acid, GABA is a naturally occurring amino acid found in barley grass that plays a huge role in calming your brain. Think of GABA as your body’s natural “chill pill.” It is a neurotransmitter – it helps nerve cells communicate with each other, particularly in your brain.

When your brain is overloaded with anxiety, stress or racing thoughts, GABA helps to calm things down. It essentially puts the brakes on those nerve signals that make you feel anxious or overwhelmed. Studies suggest that higher levels of GABA can lead to a more relaxed mind, better sleep and even improved mood.

GABA also helps regulate blood sugar levels – making it a valuable tool in preventing and managing diabetes. It improves how your body responds to insulin (the hormone that controls blood sugar) – helping you maintain steady energy levels throughout the day.


Enzymes are like the spark plugs in your body – without them, your body’s chemical reactions would grind to a halt. They help speed up vital processes – from digestion to detoxification and barley grass is packed with some of the most important ones, including catalase and superoxide dismutase (SOD).

Catalase helps break down hydrogen peroxide, a potentially harmful byproduct of metabolism, into oxygen and water. Without enzymes like catalase, toxins would build up in your body – leading to cellular damage and chronic inflammation. SOD is a powerful antioxidant enzyme that fights oxidative stress – a “cleanup crew” sweeping away harmful molecules that lead to aging and disease and keeping your cells healthy. Together, catalase and SOI work to keep your cells clean, function efficiently and protect from oxidative stress


Barley grass is rich in flavonoids, which are natural compounds found in plants known for their powerful antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties. In simpler terms, flavonoids are your body’s defense team – constantly working to reduce inflammation and fight off harmful free radicals.

Chronic inflammation has been linked to a host of problems – from arthritis and heart disease to cancers. Flavonoids help combat these by blocking specific enzymes and signals that cause inflammation, soothing your cells and preventing the overactive immune responses that can lead to chronic illness.

Beyond fighting inflammation, flavonoids also protect your blood vessels and improve circulation, which is great news for your brain and heart. Studies show that a diet rich in flavonoids can improve heart health, lower blood pressure and even reduce the risk of strokes


Another group of naturally occurring plant compounds, polyphenols have strong antioxidant properties and are known for their roles in preventing and fighting a range of chronic diseases. They support your body’s defense mechanisms by neutralizing free radicals, like flavonoids – protecting your DNA from damage and reducing inflammation throughout your body.

One of the most studied polyphenols in barley grass is ferulic acid, which helps maintain blood sugar levels and may even protect your skin from sun damage – helping to slow down the aging process and promoting the production of collagen so your skin can maintain a youthful glow.

Soluble fiber

Barley grass is rich in soluble fiber, which helps improve digestion by feeding the good bacteria in your gut. A healthy gut isn’t just about avoiding stomach aches – it plays a vital role in your body’s immune function, mental health and weight management.

Vitamins and minerals

Barley grass contains high levels of essential vitamins A, C, E, K and all the B vitamins, which help boost your immune system, maintain healthy skin and support brain health. The grass also provides minerals, like calcium. copper, iodine, iron, magnesium, manganese, phosphorus, potassium, selenium, sodium and zinc – which play vital roles in ensuring your heart and muscles function properly, maintaining strong bones and regulating blood pressure.

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This video is from the Natural News channel on Brighteon.com.

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