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During his 81st sermon for the 100 Sermons series on the “Health Ranger Report,” the Health Ranger Mike Adams discussed the matter of spiritual courage and the eventual fate of cowards in the afterlife.

The Bible nutrition educator based his sermon on the Book of Revelation, in particular a passage from its 21st chapter. The verse reads: “But the cowardly, unbelieving, abominable, murderers, sexually immoral, sorcerers, idolaters and all liars shall have their part in the lake which burns with fire and brimstone – which is the second death.” (Revelation 21:8)

Based on this, the Bible nutrition educator pointed out that most people choose cowardice as it is easier compared to showing courage – a more difficult endeavor. There are people who don’t do anything when they see others being attacked or mugged.

Another example Adams cited was people being too cowardly to speak out against Israel’s genocide of the Palestinians in the Gaza Strip, including women and children. Ultimately, Adams reiterated that cowardice is a sin that will cause people to be condemned to hell.

“We live in a world today where most Christians, and also most people, are cowards. They are afraid to say what needs to be said because they don’t want to be rocking the boat. They don’t want somebody to have a reaction,” he said. (Related: Sermon 20: Mike Adams calls out the HYPOCRISY of churches supporting GENOCIDE)

“So, if you see evil and you know it’s evil, and you have the power to say something about it, to protest it, to condemn it, or to raise your voice, and if you don’t do that then God considers you a coward.”

Showing courage takes moral determination

The Health Ranger continued: “Showing courage takes moral determination. That’s why God honors those who show courage, and that’s also why God judges harshly those who are cowards. If you’re not willing to say these things to people, especially if it’s a family member or someone close to you, then you’re a coward.”

Part of courage is also telling people the truth when it needs to be said. However, Adams clarified that one person telling the truth to another doesn’t mean the first person is vicious or wants to hurt people. Rather, it stems from a desire to help.

“Telling the truth to people requires real courage, especially in this day when there’s so much evil and many people taking so many shortcuts. And you’re not going to make a lot of friends by telling people the truth. That’s just not part of the equation.”

Even Jesus wasn’t afraid to tell the people the truth in the same manner when they needed to hear it, said Adams. But in these cases, Christ telling the truth was borne out of His love for humanity.

More than ever, the Brighteon.com and Natural News founder said people need to tell the truth to persons whose political philosophies are associated with mass death, suffering and taking away people’s liberties. Many are pushing destructive agendas like pedophilia and transgenderism, and they don’t want people having the courage to speak out against them.

In a society filled with wrongs, many people find it difficult to have moral courage and do what is right. However, God finds fault with this lack of internal courage to speak out. Thus, a person will be judged as a coward and listed as such in the Book of Life.

The litmus test for cowardice or courage is one’s willingness to speak out publicly against evil. People of faith cannot be cowardly at the same time, and they have to make a choice.

Listen to the 81st sermon of the Health Ranger Mike Adams about cowardice and courage below.

This video is from the Health Ranger Report channel on Brighteon.com.

More related stories:

Pastor Matthew Trewhella says cowardice among Christians is a huge problem – Brighteon.TV.

Sermon 7: Being FREED by Christ and WALKING IN THE SPIRIT.

Sermon 23: Correcting the WICKEDNESS inside the church.

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