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So, my big boss lady has a question, and as always, I endeavor to find an answer.

In her RedState column, Managing Editor Jennifer Van Laar asked, in reference to Kamala Harris’ presser Wednesday afternoon in which she basically called Donald Trump “Hitler” for eight minutes, “I wondered what possessed Harris to do that?” 


Here is my answer. What we have here, I believe, is a Democrat Doom Loop.

In economics, a doom loop describes a situation in which one negative economic condition creates a second negative condition, which in turn creates a third negative condition or reinforces the first, resulting in a downward spiral.

Doom loops can also happen in politics, too. We can see one right now, by the Democrat Party, and focused on 2024 Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump. But this type of Doom Loop isn’t really very new, as it has occurred before with other presidential Republicans.

First, the partisan Democrats begin to blacken the name of the Republican presidential candidate in the run-up to the election as they have done to all Republican presidential nominees. It is always over the top, explicitly painting him (so far) as some sort of devil. Usually, said Republican is specifically compared to Adolf Hitler, as was Eisenhower, Goldwater, Reagan, Bush II, McCain, Romney, and now Trump. Sometimes, said Republican is (also) depicted as/or a total dunce, as was Eisenhower, Ford, Reagan, Bush II, and now Trump.

Second, if said Republican gets elected president, after the first few thousand times of Democrats screaming “fascist” or “racist” or “Hitler” or “moron,” these charges begin to lose their punch with non-partisan Democrats. The principle here is really simple – see Aesop’s fable, “The boy who cried wolf.” 

Third, the Democrat partisan base, however, becomes indoctrinated and marinated in their hatred of said devil Republican. They read magazines, watch TV programs, etc., that reinforce their attitude. They talk to their fellow Democrat partisan friends, who heartily agree with them that said Republican is uniquely the devil and that everyone needs to hear, understand, and acknowledge this. In other words, they become fanatics, as defined by Winston Churchill, who said a “fanatic is one who can’t change his mind and won’t change the subject.” 


Fourth, as fanatics, the Democrat partisans can’t and won’t stop talking about said Republican being the devil. If a non-Democrat partisan makes the simple mistake of nodding his head in greeting, the fanatic Democrat tells him about said Republican devil. Or the fanatic Democrat initiates the lectures to their non-fanatic friends or neighbors.

Fifth, the non-fanatics begin to grow extremely tired of all the over-the-top yelling by these fanatical Democrats about said devil Republican. They begin to pointedly ignore the fanatics’ arguments as the ravings of madmen/madwomen. As a result, said Republican devil’s polling is no longer affected by each of the new charges of the fanatical Democrats. See, again, “The boy who cried wolf.” 

Sixth, the fanatic Democrats get frustrated that non-fanatics aren’t listening to them anymore and that the polling of the said devil Republican is not going down. However, since other fanatic Democrats are still listening and believing it, and since the left-wing media continues to cater to their arguments, the fanatic Democrats become convinced that even more of their “facts” will eventually persuade the non-fanatics of the truth about said devil Republican. So, the fanatic Democrats doubles down, thus ignoring the advice often attributed to Albert Einstein, which is “the definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting a different result.” 

Seventh, the Democrat Doom Loop continues looping. 

This Democrat Doom Loop is exactly what we are seeing today, with two weeks remaining in the 2024 presidential election. 


As I have said before, the fanatic Democrat partisans believe Donald Trump is a crude barbarian crook who abuses women and minorities and wants to overthrow America’s democratic society in favor of dictatorship. But non-fanatics don’t believe it and are now at the stage where they tend to disbelieve any new charges made against Trump along those lines. So, the fanatic Democrat partisans are now stuck in a doom loop trying to convince the non-fanatics that Donald Trump is the devil. 

Here are some recent examples:

  • As covered by RedState, the Atlantic reported that former Secretary of Homeland Security and White House Chief of Staff John Kelly has said that Donald Trump used to speak admiringly about Adolf Hitler.
  • As covered by RedState, the Atlantic reported that Donald Trump disparaged a murdered soldier’s death and refused to pay her funeral expenses as he promised.
  • As covered by RedState, Democrats are disturbed that Donald Trump has used such language as “enemies from within” to describe some Democrat Congressmen.
  • As reported by the Guardian, a former model has claimed that Donald Trump and Jeffrey Epstein groped her, years ago.

None of these stories are true. Each covers a consistent charge made by fanatic Democrats against Donald Trump. They are: 1) He likes Hitler; 2) He thinks the U.S. military is made up of suckers and losers; 3) He is a dictator wannabe; and 4) He is a misogynist sexual abuser.

None of these new charges will work. See above.

The Democrats are caught, quite securely, in their Doom Loop. And they will continue on it until the end of the presidential race. Right to the end. 


In fact, Kamala Harris plans to deliver her closing argument speech at the Washington D.C. Ellipse, at the site of Trump’s January 6, 2021 rally. I can confidently predict that on that day, she will, once again, satisfy her fanatic Democrat base and herself by attacking Donald Trump for being a potential dictator based on the events of January 6, 2021. 

But it won’t help her at all to win the presidency.