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After spending four years spearheading an administration that’s injected Marxist ideology into the military, Kamala Harris is now accusing Donald Trump of wanting to hijack the U.S. armed forces for his own political gain.

In an impromptu speech at the Naval Observatory on Wednesday, the vice president outlandishly claimed that Trump once “said he wanted generals like Adolf Hitler had.” She also baselessly contended the former president “does not want a military that is loyal to the United States Constitution,” but one “that is loyal to him.”

The unfounded assertions seemingly stem from a recently published Atlantic piece authored by misinformation trafficker Jeffrey Goldberg. Known for deploying the debunked “suckers” and “losers” hoax against Trump before the 2020 election, Goldberg’s new article cites anonymous sources who supposedly claim Trump disparaged a deceased service member and that he said he “need[s] the kind of generals that Hitler had” during his time as president.

Numerous former Trump administration officials and the deceased soldier’s sister — who said she voted for Trump this week — have since publicly denounced Goldberg’s smear job as completely false. But truth is of little concern to Harris, who gleefully weaponized the obvious pre-Election Day hit piece to paint Trump as a wannabe-dictator seeking to overthrow the military for personal gain.

Trump “wants a military who will be loyal to him personally, one that will obey his orders even when he tells them to break the law or abandon their oath to the Constitution of the United States,” Harris said.

As is the case with her ominous claims that Trump will use lawfare to target his political opponents if elected, Harris is projecting the Democrat Party’s authoritarian agenda onto the former president. Throughout the past four years, the Biden-Harris administration has been steadily “reimagining” America’s military into a force that prioritizes the institution-wide adoption neo-Marxist ideology.

Shortly after taking power, the administration implemented an executive order mandating all federal agencies — including the Defense Department — adopt discriminatory “diversity, equity, and inclusion” (DEI) policies throughout their respective workforces. Military branches such as the Navy issued their own directives that year requiring officials to “develop a strategy to advance DEI across the enterprise.”

[READ: Unearthed Strategic Plan Unveils Army Corps Of Engineers’ Goal To Force DEI Onto Service Members]

But as any good planner knows, a vision is only as good as the people you onboard to execute it. To help spread Marxism’s corrosive tentacles throughout the service, the Biden-Harris White House nominated numerous left-wing radicals to the highest positions in the Pentagon. This extensive list includes military leaders who have supported punishments for Americans unvaccinated for Covid, promoted anti-white racism, and bragged about “hir[ing] for diversity” when building his staff.

Under the headship of Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin, this toxic ideology is being openly embraced across the military. Since Biden-Harris took office, the Air Force has used taxpayer money to fly interested airmen to branch “pride” events; the Navy employed an enlisted drag queen to assist with digital recruiting; military bases have been caught hosting “pride” celebrations and planning to host drag shows on installation grounds; and the Pentagon has taken up funding abortion-related travel for agency employees.

[READ: America’s Military Can’t Endure Another Four Years Of Democrat Rule]

More alarming than the spread of such policies is the punishment service members face for speaking out against them. Space Force Lt. Col. Matthew Lohmeier was fired from the military in May 2021 after publicly raising concerns about the growing pervasiveness of Marxism throughout the service. The Biden-Harris White House subsequently rewarded Lt. Gen. Stephen Whiting — who reportedly removed Lohmeier — with a promotion to lead U.S. Space Command.

Left-wing authoritarian edicts were also front and center during the administration’s Covid response. The Biden-Harris Defense Department unilaterally mandated all service members to get the experimental and risky Covid shots. When more than 8,400 troops chose not to do so, they were summarily canned from the service, and have yet to receive an apology from Biden, Harris, or military leadership.

For the administration, the message to service members could not be clearer: If you step out of line with our worldview, you will be punished.

To be sure, Harris’ song and dance on Wednesday comparing Trump to Hitler is a desperate move to try and salvage her flailing presidential campaign. But above all, it’s a projection of leftists’ mission to devise a new military subservient not to the Constitution or the American people, but the Democrat Party agenda.

Shawn Fleetwood is a staff writer for The Federalist and a graduate of the University of Mary Washington. He previously served as a state content writer for Convention of States Action and his work has been featured in numerous outlets, including RealClearPolitics, RealClearHealth, and Conservative Review. Follow him on Twitter @ShawnFleetwood