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Vice President Kamala Harris’ CNN-hosted town hall in Pennsylvania this Wednesday was a complete and utter disaster, thanks in large part to tough questioning from network host Anderson Cooper.

The problem was that no matter what question Cooper posed to her, Harris invariably either answered with a meaningless word salad or once more pulled the “what about Trump” card that she loves so dearly.

Take what happened when Cooper asked how she intends to differentiate her potential administration from that of current President Joe Biden. Instead of answering the question with specifics, she rambled on about a “new approach” and claimed she, a Democrat, wants to cut taxes.


(Video Credit: CNN)

“I know who small business owners are,” she began. “I know what they do. They are the backbone of America’s economy. And for too long we’ve overlooked their value to the economy as a whole, much less to the economy of neighborhoods and communities.”

“So that’s why my plan, and it’s a new approach, is about tax cuts for our small businesses so that they can invest in themselves and grow and in the process, invest in communities, invest in neighborhoods, and strengthen our economy overall,” she added.

Cooper responded by asking her why none of this — namely cutting taxes — was implemented during the last four years.

“Well, there was a lot that was done, but there’s more to do, Anderson,” Harris replied. “And I’m pointing out things that need to be done that haven’t been done but need to be done.” (word salad alert)

Believe it or not, the vice president’s answer to being asked whether she still believes former President Donald Trump’s plans for building a border wall are stupid was even worse.


(Video Credit: CNN)

“Well, let’s talk about Donald Trump and that border wall,” Harris began. “So remember, Donald Trump said Mexico would pay for it? Come on. They didn’t. How much of that wall did he build? I think the last number I saw was about 2 percent.

“And then when it came time for him to do a photo-op, you know where he did it? In the part of the wall that President Obama built. So, come on,” she added without answering the question.

FYI, just for the record, Trump failed to build all of the wall mainly because of all the legal challenges he faced from DEMOCRATS.

Pressed once more by Cooper about whether she now doesn’t believe the border wall idea is stupid, she again demurred.

“I think what he did and how he did it did not make much sense because he actually didn’t do much of anything,” she said. “I just talked about that wall, right? We just talked about it. He didn’t actually do much of anything.”

Because of Democrats. He didn’t accomplish much because of the Democrats.

Harris later pulled the Trump card when asked if she would support packing the Supreme Court.


“I do believe that there should be some kind of reform of the court and we can study what that actually looks like, but again, while you raise the point of the court, understand that, again, in 13 days, the American people will decide who is the next president of the United States,” she began. “In 13 days, you will decide who is sitting in the Oval Office on January 20th.”

“And on one hand, you have in Donald Trump someone who has increasingly proved himself to be unstable, and who as we have established and the people close to him have established, he’s unfit to serve, somebody who on January 20th, you can be sure will spend full time like we know and we’ve seen the image mentally of him sitting in the dining room off of the Oval Office watching for hours as people violently attack the Capitol,” she added.

Below are more examples of Harris either spewing word salads or playing the Trump card:

During the town hall, Harris also called Trump a fascist.


As noted before, Cooper did, much to his credit, ask tough questions of Harris. And for that — for actually doing his job — he’s now facing the wrath of Harris’ sniveling groupies and worshippers.

“It is infuriating how a white male feels entitled to interrupt the Vice President while she tries to answer a freaking question. Looking at you @andersoncooper,” one leftist nutjob tweeted.

“Anderson Cooper has NEVER talked to Trump with this tone and continue to press for an answer HE wants. NEVER!! #CNNTownHall,” another leftist tweeted.

Vivek Saxena
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