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Full disclosure, we are actually very happy Brian Stelter is back at CNN saying and doing stupid stuff because he was always really good Twitchy fodder and we are always thrilled with a bit more job security. And ol’ Tater being hard at work saying ‘McStupid’ things back in his roll as the CNN Hall Monitor is just what we were looking for so we could add another media type to the ‘Trump and McDonald’s BAD’ column.


They have lost their ever-loving MINDS over Trump serving fries to Americans.

We are on day three of this story …

Ironically, Tater seems to think it’s the Right that’s dragging this on.

No, really. We TOLD you it was McStupid.

Who wants to tell him?

Sweet merciful crap is right!

Newsweek even got fussy about Trump supposedly not washing his hands enough? We can’t even make this sort of insanity up.

Maybe he’s just really upset because of the connection between french fries and potatoes. Ahem.

Yeah, Mr. Potataohead!




We see what he did there.

We are too.

Awww yes, the irony.



HA! Scott Jennings Has Some CHOICE Words for NYT Shaming Trump for DARING to Question Kamala’s Background

YES! Nate Silver Notices Something VERY 2016ish About Last Few Weeks and HOO BOY It AIN’T Good for Kamala

Charles C.W. Cooke Just SHREDS Liz Cheney in BRUTAL Receipt-Filled Thread for Saying Dobbs ‘Went Too Far’

DAMNING Thread Exposes Kamala for Abusing Hardship Program She Did NOT Qualify for to Get Into Law School

Holy CREEPER, Batman! If THIS Lawsuit Against Mark Cuban Is Legit WOW, We Don’t Even Know What to Say
