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50 years ago, Mel Brooks’ premiered his masterpiece Western, Blazing Saddles. It is a movie that could never be made in today’s era of wokeness, but the magic of the movie was that it didn’t offend anybody, specifically because the movie found a way to offend and mock everybody. 

Legendary character actor Slim Pickens played Mr. Taggers, who would lead a hired posse of thugs to lay siege to the township of Rock Ridge, sitting in the path of the coming expansion of the rail line. All of the residents of Rock Ridge (all named Johnson), fabricated a two-dimensional decoy town, complete with cut-outs of themselves. As the posse pounced and seized their way through the false Rock Ridge, Pickens realizes the switcheroo and yells out, “It’s a fake. We’ve been suckered in.” If he were alive and working today, Pickens’ character would be a staff writer for Newsweek or the New York Times. 


After Donald Trump’s master class both in retail politicking and trolling Sunday, working a shift at a McDonald’s in rural Pennsylvania, regime media absolutely freaked out. It’s a fake, they all cried. The restaurant was closed to regular customers. The whole thing was staged. Here’s a sample of Kamala Harris’ first responders in media.

The New York Times jumped in pretty early, too. 

Of course, none of these outlets reported as breathlessly when Kamala Harris’ campaign not only closed down a restaurant near Pittsburgh ahead of a planned Harris visit, but bused in party workers from Philly to cosplay as diners so that media would film a restaurant full of people 100% behind Kamala Harris. Yet, the Times has pumped out article after article trying to paint The Donald’s McDonald’s affair as nothing short of fraud. 

In Trump’s case, yes, the restaurant was closed to the general public. He’s had two assassination attempts on him in the last three months. Of course, it’s going to be closed to the general public for obvious security reasons. But there was no busing in customers. The customers who were allowed to go through the drive-thru or order in person were actual customers of that McDonald’s franchise store and were security screened in advance by the Secret Service. 

Later that night, Trump appeared in a box at the Steelers game in Pittsburgh. The crowd thundered a spontaneous U-S-A chant. Online, the memes were epic. 


Notice how Newsweek had to fact-check this. They had to make sure people know that Donald Trump, at 78-years-young, didn’t actually suit up as a rostered player for the Pittsburgh Steelers. I suppose this isn’t technically genuine, either. 

AI might have been employed in this case, too. I’m not sure. I’ll have to consult with regime media first. 

Next, you’ll tell me this isn’t real. 

Let me assist my friends in regime media by telling you that Donald Trump didn’t in fact conclude his time at McDonald’s by spending time in the ball pit. 

Now juxtapose all this hair on fire coverage by media over what is the most brilliant and effective campaign stunt in modern history by going to Detroit for a “town hall” featuring Kamala Harris and Never Trumper Liz Cheney. I put town hall in scare quotes, because ostensibly, a town hall would indicate a forum in which a candidate would answer questions from those people that attend. The master of ceremonies, Democrat journalist Maria Shriver, told the crowd right up top that questions from the audience was not going to happen. 


No, we are not taking questions from all of you here that have them. All questions that you’ll hear, such that they are, are ‘pre-determined’. That’s a fancy way of saying this entire night is scripted and faked to look spontaneous. Kamala Harris and her campaign know exactly what’s going to be asked and in what order it’s going to be asked. You’re simply here to serve as a television backdrop to maintain the illusion that this is an organic townhall to showcase Kamala’s ability to think on her feet.

In short, this entire event was the very definition of fake. Regime media offered crickets when reporting on this, compared to the vapors they had over Trump’s direct hit in Pennsylvania. In fact, the only way to chef’s kiss Trump at McDonald’s would have been for him to come out of there with a MAGA hat on where the M was the golden arches. 

Now that you know the parameters for Harris’ staged event, knowing Kamala knows what’s coming, here’s what actually came out of her mouth. 

What does turn the page mean to you? It’s another variation of the ‘what’s going to be different between you and Biden’ question she hasn’t been able to handle for weeks. Again, she knew this was coming, and yet she still can’t answer it straightforwardly. Instead, she still came out with this tripe. 

When Kamala had absolutely nothing of substance to say, she talked about oaths for two minutes to eat up time. She has the political depth of a birdbath.

You have to believe that the ghost of Sam Kinison is out there screaming, “Say it! Politics stops at the water’s edge!. Aaaaaaagh!” It’s painful to watch and listen to her. She likes to think of herself as an intellectual, but she reveals the reality with every single appearance that she’s just not terribly bright. 

While Kamala underwhelmed in the Motor City on Monday, Donald Trump went to North Carolina, and struck a tone that unlike Harris, he’d be the guarantor of religious liberty for the foreseeable future. 

He made the case for why his first-term record warrants Christians giving him another chance in November. 

He was reflective about the role of faith in his childhood, recalling his parents taking him to church as a boy.


And he talked about how the assassination attempt in Butler affected his perspective on faith. 

For all the effort by regime media to put their collective thumb on the scale – both to prop up Kamala Harris and portray Donald Trump as Hitler incarnate, Monday’s appearances by both candidates demonstrated why the American people are breaking in a big way towards Donald Trump and Republicans down the stretch. 

Real Clear Politics’ average of polls sees Kamala Harris still leading the popular vote by 0.9%. That’s roughly 1.75 million votes. California alone in 2020 netted 5.1 million more votes for Joe Biden than Donald Trump. The more important average, of course, is battleground states. Those continue to inch up for Trump by the day. It now stands at 1.1%, as more individual state polling shows late-breakers moving in the former President’s direction. 

Donald Trump’s closing message is resonating with heartland voters, especially with those voters of faith. Kamala Harris is surrounding herself in rhetorically-controlled environments, and engaging in the same vacuous pablum that has been turning prospective voters off for months. There’s nowhere to which she can pivot, and if there’s anything consistent about her character, it’s that she doesn’t possess the charisma or political charm to make that necessary pivot believable. 

When the Hill features a story that maybe Democrats would have been better off riding out Joe Biden’s nomination two weeks before the election, that’s a strong indication that the stink of death may be enveloping the Harris-Walz campaign. 
