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I have a Notepad file called “Lies Democrats Believe.”  It’s a compilation of lies told by leftist politicians, bureaucrats, and talking heads in the Democrat Media Industrial Complex (DMIC).

Why do Democrats lie?  I don’t think they have any choice.  The policies of the left are so damaging that those who promulgate them are averse to speaking of them openly.  Can you imagine if they did?  “Hey! We plan on keeping the border wide open so that those 435,000 convicted criminals we’ve let in over the course of the last few years will be just the tip of the iceberg!  And we want to force you to sell your gasoline-powered car and go into hock for an E.V. you can’t afford and don’t want.  We’re going to tax unrealized capital gains and probably collapse the stock market, convince your 6-year-old son to chemically sterilize himself, and force your daughter to share locker rooms with boys in her high school!  How’s that sound?”

Some of these lies were quickly debunked, such as “Hillary Clinton was named after Sir Edmund Hillary.”  Others, such as “Hunter Biden’s laptop had all the earmarks of Russian disinformation,” have likely changed the course of American history.  Some are rather quickly forgotten, like “Nicholas Sandmann mocked a Native American elder,” whereas others, like “Trump called neo-Nazi’s very fine people,” seem to take on a life of their own even after being repeatedly debunked even by the DMIC.  These falsehoods are all part of a well coordinated propaganda campaign being waged on the American people by the left.

In what I consider some of the most valuable 13 minutes on YouTube, the video of a 1984 interview with Soviet defector Yuri Bezmenov describes the program of Marxist ideological subversion.  There are four steps: Demoralization (Indoctrination), Destabilization, Crisis, and Normalization.  Here’s a transcript.

Bezmenov describes the results of Demoralization:

Exposure to true information does not matter anymore.  A person who was demoralized is unable to assess true information.  The facts tell nothing to him. … Even if I shower him with information with authentic proof, with documents, with pictures, even if I take him by force to the Soviet Union and show him concentration camps, he will refuse to believe it until he’s going to receive a kick in his fat bottom.  When a military boot crashes into his balls, then he will understand, but not before.  That’s the tragedy of the situation of demoralization.

Demoralization/Indoctrination is also known as gaslighting.  Prominent podcaster and radio host Dan Bongino describes it this way: “You have to lie, lie often, and lie confidently while isolating people from the truth.”  You can listen to television newscasters from all across the country, repeating the same words and phrases.  The objective is to gain power and control over other people by distorting reality.

This process has been going on in America for decades.  Bezmenov stated in that interview that it takes 10–15 years to indoctrinate an entire generation.  That’s about how much time a person spends in school.  Entire generations of Americans have been taught by Marxist-indoctrinated leftist teachers.  They’ve gone to work in media; business; health care; and, yes, back into our educational system.

We’re being lied to all the time, and it’s a serious problem.  The lies come at us from every direction, and we see them repeated on social media.  So do we respond to them?  In a previous article, I suggested that we should, for two reasons: 1) to convince independents, the uninformed, and the undecided of the correctness of conservative positions and 2) to make us better able to defend those positions when needed.

In order to solve a problem, you first have to recognize that a problem exists.  This requires awareness and critical thinking.  Accepting information at face value from the DMIC is contra-indicated.  Americans have lost a great deal of trust in print media, broadcast, and cable news.

Recognize first that the fully indoctrinated are effectively lost.  Unless a person is directly, personally, and negatively impacted by leftist policies they are unlikely to change.  Observe some of the debates occurring on Facebook and X (AKA Twitter).  The bad news is that Bezmenov was right.  There are people defiantly claiming that men can get pregnant and refusing any and all evidence to the contrary.  The good news is that we are beginning to see some movement away from that position.  Prominent Democrats have recently come out explaining why they’re voting for Trump.  For now, these are the exceptions rather than the rule.

If we suspect or have established that a statement is a lie the next step is to spot the flaws.  Beware of a faulty premise; a vague or false proposition that leads to an incorrect conclusion.  It’s the old “When did you stop beating your wife?” scenario.  Canadian conservative leader Pierre Poilievre gave a master class in this in 2023.  Instead of blithely accepting a reporters’ false premises, he asked questions:

Reporter — “A lot of people would say that you’re taking a page out of the Donald Trump book.”

Poilievre — “Like, which people would say that?”

Reporter — “Well, I’m sure, like, a great many Canadians, but…”

Poilievre  — “Like who?”

Reporter — “Ha ha, well, I don’t know who, but…”

Poilievre  — “Well, you’re the one who asked the question, so you must know somebody.”

Reporter — “Ha, well, okay, I’m sure there’s some out there.”

Lesson: Before you respond, stop and consider how the question is phrased.  It’s easy to refute a declarative statement, as Poilievre so aptly demonstrated.  When we’re debating leftists, pose questions to them rather than responding with declarative statements.  Kamala Harris recently claimed that Donald Trump plans on imprisoning his political opponents, the unspoken assumption being that he will do so for revenge and not because they’ve committed any crimes.  Perhaps someone should ask Kamala if it’s a crime to post a meme on the internet, or to pay off a loan on time, with interest, to banks who are eager to do business with the debtor.  Even better, ask if it’s illegal for a former American secretary of state to (allegedly) sell classified hypersonic missile technology to Russia…and who were Julius and Ethel Rosenberg?

Remember when we’re debating the left we’re likely speaking to someone who’s been completely indoctrinated and so is impervious to the facts.  But there are usually independents or uncommitted people silently following the discussion, and those are the people we’re trying to convince.  Debates like these can sharpen our skills and, hopefully, bring more people over to our side.

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