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Remember that blissful time when Brian Stelter was no longer working for CNN? We miss those days. But the Tater is back, and just as biased as ever.

Watch this very telling exchange between Stelter and Ryan Girdusky on attacks on the media:



Spying on a journalist is much worse than saying mean things.

Yeah. This is what going into the lion’s den actually looks like, Kamala.

NOPE. Not possible.


Also, LOL.




This is pure projection, and everything they’ve done since January 2021 proves it.

Which would be a travesty, because he’s fun to watch.

That’s a skill, we suppose.

Because they’re never challenged by people with political views even slightly different from their own.


It’s just *chef’s kiss* all around.

Don’t forget this, either.

Says everything we need to know about those Leftist ‘journalists’, doesn’t it?