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Sermon 23: Correcting the WICKEDNESS inside the church

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The Health Ranger Mike Adams touched on the importance of addressing and correcting the wickedness inside the church on his 23rd sermon on the “Health Ranger Report,” part of his 100 Sermons series.

The first letter of St. Paul to his disciple St. Timothy formed the basis of this sermon. Paul’s letter to Timothy commanded the latter to correct the deviations of the churches in Ephesus, most especially that of its leaders.

The Apostle to the Gentiles traveled a lot throughout his life, building churches in many areas in Asia Minor and Greece. But after Paul leaves the churches he established, people in those churches turn to wickedness. This prompts the apostle to write letters to the said churches, reminding them to stop being evil.

According to Adams, the Christian church itself was filled with all kinds of wicked and problematic people throughout history. One of the things the Apostle Paul did was to rid the church of evil people who have used it as a shield for them to carry out their wickedness. (Related: Sermon 20: Mike Adams calls out the HYPOCRISY of churches supporting GENOCIDE.)

Church CORRUPTED by self-serving people

The Bible nutrition educator said that the church was the place to go to if someone wanted to gain personal benefit in the form of fame and wealth. Many church leaders became popular and powerful, eventually forgetting how to live the life that Christ taught. Other people also used the church service as a way to compete with one another.

“They’re not living what Christ taught – which is, of course, a simple life. A life that doesn’t need luxury, a life that doesn’t need flowing golden robes all the time,” Adams said. “Back in that day, the church was one of the main vehicles for that. And so as a result, the church became very frequently corrupted with people who were seeking as their priority wealth and fame rather than seeking Christ and God.”

For that reason, Paul reminded Timothy to advise the church leaders that they are expected to teach about stopping the immorality and wickedness of the Ephesians. The apostle also warned against the church being exploited by widows who are falsely claiming that they needed welfare. He advised that the church should help widows who really need help.

Moreover, the persecutor-turned-apostle reiterated that a person who persists in sin should be rebuked in the presence of other believers, and that people who commit big sins should be given big rebukes. “He’s saying, for those who are really carrying out deep sins, you should rebuke them and call them out publicly,” Adams explained.

But this condemnation of sin has a deeper meaning, according to the Health Ranger. When human beings, especially groups of humans, are left to their own devices – they become evil. Thus, the main message of the Holy Bible is for people to stop being wicked.

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Listen to the 23rd sermon of the Health Ranger Mike Adams about the wickedness that has infected the church and how to fix it.

This video is from the Abundance Church channel on

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About The Author

Sermon 23: Correcting the WICKEDNESS inside the church

Sermon 23: Correcting the WICKEDNESS inside the church

We support our Publishers and Content Creators. You can view this story on their website by CLICKING HERE.

The Health Ranger Mike Adams touched on the importance of addressing and correcting the wickedness inside the church on his 23rd sermon on the “Health Ranger Report,” part of his 100 Sermons series.

The first letter of St. Paul to his disciple St. Timothy formed the basis of this sermon. Paul’s letter to Timothy commanded the latter to correct the deviations of the churches in Ephesus, most especially that of its leaders.

The Apostle to the Gentiles traveled a lot throughout his life, building churches in many areas in Asia Minor and Greece. But after Paul leaves the churches he established, people in those churches turn to wickedness. This prompts the apostle to write letters to the said churches, reminding them to stop being evil.

According to Adams, the Christian church itself was filled with all kinds of wicked and problematic people throughout history. One of the things the Apostle Paul did was to rid the church of evil people who have used it as a shield for them to carry out their wickedness. (Related: Sermon 20: Mike Adams calls out the HYPOCRISY of churches supporting GENOCIDE.)

Church CORRUPTED by self-serving people

The Bible nutrition educator said that the church was the place to go to if someone wanted to gain personal benefit in the form of fame and wealth. Many church leaders became popular and powerful, eventually forgetting how to live the life that Christ taught. Other people also used the church service as a way to compete with one another.

“They’re not living what Christ taught – which is, of course, a simple life. A life that doesn’t need luxury, a life that doesn’t need flowing golden robes all the time,” Adams said. “Back in that day, the church was one of the main vehicles for that. And so as a result, the church became very frequently corrupted with people who were seeking as their priority wealth and fame rather than seeking Christ and God.”

For that reason, Paul reminded Timothy to advise the church leaders that they are expected to teach about stopping the immorality and wickedness of the Ephesians. The apostle also warned against the church being exploited by widows who are falsely claiming that they needed welfare. He advised that the church should help widows who really need help.

Moreover, the persecutor-turned-apostle reiterated that a person who persists in sin should be rebuked in the presence of other believers, and that people who commit big sins should be given big rebukes. “He’s saying, for those who are really carrying out deep sins, you should rebuke them and call them out publicly,” Adams explained.

But this condemnation of sin has a deeper meaning, according to the Health Ranger. When human beings, especially groups of humans, are left to their own devices – they become evil. Thus, the main message of the Holy Bible is for people to stop being wicked.

Follow for more news about the Christian church.

Listen to the 23rd sermon of the Health Ranger Mike Adams about the wickedness that has infected the church and how to fix it.

This video is from the Abundance Church channel on

More related stories:

Sermon 9: The LOVE OF MONEY is the ROOT OF ALL EVIL.

Third-wave feminism has influenced the Christian Church, warns Pastor Steve Cioccolanti.

Christian churches that advocate for Israel’s mass killing of Palestinian civilians are serving SATAN, not Christ.

Sermon 7: Being FREED by Christ and WALKING IN THE SPIRIT.

Sermon 2: The importance of HUMILITY and earning GOD’S FAVOR.

Sources include:

About The Author


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