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Although the media would like you to believe Donald Trump is a mean guy, Kamala Harris proved she’s a Mean Girl. Today’s show breaks it down.

Over the past several years, Kamala has shown the world she needs validation from the “cool crowd,” which is probably why she’s painfully insecure. Her priority is to feel validated by powerful people and celebrities.

The problem with this is that not only is it pathetic, but it’s actually a projection of how she feels about you, as she attacks Donald Trump for trying to make your life better.

“Everything about this woman is fake. There is nothing about her that is remotely real,” Crowder said. “She never actually knew the kind of struggle of the people whose vote she’s courting.”

She often tries to play both sides, pretending she is tough on crime while also being a social justice activist. But at the end of the day, she’s nothing more than a bully.

According to The Christian Post:

As San Francisco District Attorney, Harris refused to seek the death penalty for the man who brutally murdered police officer Isaac Espinoza. Espinoza left behind his three-year-old daughter and his beloved wife, Renata, who claimed that Harris never once contacted her to offer her condolences. Instead, just three days after Espinoza’s murder, she held a press conference in which she made sure to let the press know: the death penalty wasn’t on the table.

As California’s Attorney General, Harris ordered law enforcement to raid the home of a young pro-life journalist, David Daleidon. Daleidon’s undercover work had revealed that Planned Parenthood executives were illegally selling aborted baby body parts for profit. Instead of investigating her donors at Planned Parenthood, Harris sought to silence Daleidon for uncovering horrifying corruption.

Harris has a history of controlling the speech of pro-lifers. While Attorney General, she pushed hard for the passage of the Reproductive FACT Act, which attempted to require pregnancy centers to prominently advertise for abortion. The Supreme Court overturned this law in 2018, rightly deeming it a violation of the First Amendment.

While Kamala likes to pretend those who disagree with her are “weird,” as she pathetically tries to make fetch happen by trying to make “BRAT summer” a thing, she’s proven she’s nothing more than a mean girl, as she desperately climbs the political ladder as the authority-starved bully she always intended to be.

“It is done,” Crowder added. “If not for cheating, it would be done.”