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Kamala Harris is shameless enough to suggest Donald Trump is a coward keeping within a “safe space” of supportive interviewers and that he’s showing signs of cognitive decline. Who lets her makes these claims without the context of her own hiding of interviews and hiding of Biden’s mental decline? The pro-Kamala media.

The headline on Mediaite: “Kamala Harris Hammers Trump Avoiding Debate and Tough Interviews: He’d ‘Rather Cocoon Himself in Safe Spaces’ of Conservative Media.” The amnesia is remarkable.

Reporters sound like repeaters. So much of the “reporting” on Harris is basically just announcing what she’s doing and who she’s trying to reach and what the message of the day is. There’s nothing there to analyze, only publicize. They don’t mind being stenographers to power when they support those in power.

The networks were joining the Democrats in pouncing on  a Trump town-hall meeting with supporters that was interrupted after several medical emergencies in the audience. So Trump just played songs for more than a half-hour. “Trump rally derailed,” proclaimed NBC, it was a “bizarre dance party.”

On MSNBC, Michael Steele ranted over the dance party: “This man cannot be the leader of the free world. He cannot articulate a vision for that world. He cannot — he cannot lay out a plan. He has concepts of plans. Now imagine if the current vice president of the United States got on a stage to say, ‘To hell with the questions. Why don’t we just sit here and listen to music?’ There would have been all kinds of racial memes about her, about her sex, about her ethnicity, and her being incompetent.”

While Kamala Harris continues to avoid any interview with The New York Times, J.D. Vance again entered hostile territory to be grilled on their podcast “The Interview” with NPR refugee Lulu Garcia-Navarro. This woman is so far to the Left that she relayed in 2016 that being kissed by one of Fidel Castro’s two brothers in Cuba was like “getting the blessing of the Holy Trinity.” Sounds like NPR. 

Naturally, Lulu grilled JD about accepting the 2020 election results. In this case, he threw back at her that research shows that the media’s suppression of anti-Biden stories was crucial in rigging Biden’s win. An MRC poll in 2020 shows 17 percent of Biden voters surveyed said they would not have voted for Biden if they knew about the anti-Biden stories suppressed, especially the Hunter Biden laptop and its evidence of a Biden family influence-peddling business.

Speaking of NPR, a Nexis search shows NPR has done nothing on Kamala’s plagiarism in her book Smart On Crime. But her unofficial press aide Deepa Shivaram can talk about her courting black male voters. They do stories with that theme, “So what is her message?” 

Enjoy the podcast below, or wherever you listen to podcasts.