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Thomas Massie may be a one-man army waging war for COVID accountability with certain three-letter agencies, and if so, he is definitely taking no prisoners. 


Go ahead and give this a click; we’ll wait.

Eagle Eye Massie didn’t buy the BS, and you shouldn’t either. These people do think Americans are stupid en masse, don’t they? 

Steve has the right idea; we need to vote for people who will clean out these three-letter agencies, in this writer’s opinion.

See, Samuel gets it, too!

‘This has all happened before, and it will happen again.’ — Battlestar Galactica 2004



Our only hope is that someday, these people will get held accountable. 

These folks are right about one thing: Congressman Massie, your wife is likely very proud of you, and those who support this herculean effort are also.

Kennedy’s tackling this and Elon’s taking on government efficiency would change the world.


What Jeff said.

This image summarizes the fight we are all in. Even if some choose not to see it, nearly every government agency could be substituted in the image, and the truth would remain. As this writer says, the time of choosing is nearly at hand. If the out-of-control administrative state, aka the deep state doesn’t concern you, vote for more of the same. After all, Kamala has told the world she wouldn’t change anything from the last four years with Biden and herself in charge.

However, if you want Liberty, Freedom, and Common Sense to return to America and the White House, vote accordingly.