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NBC’s insistence on carrying water for the Regime very aptly demonstrates why trust in news media is at an all-time low. NBC insists on rehashing its much-derided earlier report that served no purpose except to further a particularly hypocritical Harris talking point.

Here’s the report as aired on NBC Nightly News on Tuesday, October 16th, 2024 (click “expand” to view full transcript):

LESTER HOLT: The Harris campaign this evening zeroing in on that unusual campaign event by former President Trump to try to cast doubt on his fitness to be president again. Hallie Jackson with more on this.

HALLIE JACKSON: Vice President Harris looking to flip the script against former President Trump, putting his age and health front and center. Her campaign pointing to Mr. Trump’s unusual soundtrack session overnight after that pause for medical help for audience members. Mr. Trump today calling the interlude “amazing”, and “a great evening!”

TRUMP TOWN HALL ATTENDEE: It was awesome. I was dancing with him. I loved it.

JACKSON: But the Harris campaign suggesting Mr. Trump appeared lost, confused and frozen as Democrats ramp up a push to cast doubt on Mr. Trump’s mental fitness.

TIM WALZ: He’s confused. He’s a nearly 80-year-old man.

JACKSON: They’re pointing to stumbles like this one.

TRUMP: If everybody gets out and votes on January 5th… or before.

JACKSON: The election, on November 5th. And highlighting his digressions.

TRUMP: Have you heard of Hannibal Lecter?

JACKSON: And run-ons, like one described by a former Republican congressman as “a heaping pile of hot mess.”

TRUMP: …was asking her all these…They don’t take like I do. Anybody wants to go. Go, what the hell difference does it make? They have- and how dishonest was ABC?

JACKSON The former president has touted his rhetorical roundabouts…

TRUMP: You know, I do the weave.

JACKSON: …as intentional.

TRUMP: I’ll talk about like nine different things and they all come back brilliantly together, but the fake news, you know what they say? He rambled.

JACKSON: And today, trying to turn the focus instead to Vice President Harris.

TRUMP: I don’t think she could pass a cognitive test.

JACKSON:The Trump campaign says,“the former president has more energy and more stamina than anyone in politics and is the smartest leader this country has ever seen,” and they’ve highlighted some of Vice President Harris’ unscripted moments including this Monday they called low energy word salad.

KAMALA HARRIS: There is so much about what is at stake that is, frankly, the need for us to fight for the things that we hold dear, that we have always had to fight for, but must continue to fight for.

JACKSON: But polls show far more others think she has the necessary and physical health to serve with a 20-point lead on the question, a stark reversal from Mr. Trump’s nearly 30-point margin over President Biden. 

And former President Trump remains under pressure from Democrats to release his medical records after saying he would  Lester?

HOLT: All right, Hallie. Thanks.

This report is Exhibit A in why Americans don’t trust the media. For the better part of the last five years, the Regime Media did everything in their power to conceal President Joe Biden’s glaringly obvious cognitive and physical decline. They looked the other way as Biden shook hands with air and glitched out behind podiums. They protected Biden until they could do so no more after the first presidential debate.

Now, in furtherance of his successor’s election campaign, they brazenly misrepresent events and attempt to gaslight the public. Vice President Harris is not an innocent bystander to any of this, either. Harris was the first person to come out and defend Biden’s faculties after the debate. 

In fact, NBC earlier noted that former President Trump called attention to Harris’s own word salads:

(Jackson) only said Trump has “defended his verbal gymnastics…as rhetorical flourishes.”

Missing? Any mention by Jackson of the many word salads Harris has tossed. Conveniently, our friends at the Free Beacon have documented 26 separate garbled messes in her vice presidency (as of this post).

With audible laughs heard on the Today set, (Savannah) Guthrie conceded “the Trump campaign also likes to play clips of Kamala Harris saying she’s not making sense, it’s word salad” but quickly gave weight to Harris’s “concerted effort” to attack Trump’s “age and cognition.”

A professional media would ask what Harris knew, and when did she know about Biden’s fading faculties. Alas, we don’t have that kind of media. 

If it weren’t for Regime Media, we’d have none at all.