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This article originally appeared on WND.com

Guest by post by Bob Unruh

‘You’ve still got 100 days left in office! And the Supreme Court has just granted you super powers – AND immunity!’

Democrats long have claimed they are trying to “save democracy” in their attacks on President Donald Trump and his campaign to be returned to the Oval Office in this election.

They’ve made wild claims that he would never leave office, that he would become a dictator, that he would charge his political opponents with crimes, a practice they’ve actually used against him repeatedly. They all are allegations based on few facts other than the one that he likely would not do what they want him to do if he’s in office.

But as the Kamala Harris campaign sinks lower as election day in November gets closer, they now have revealed how far they will go to “save” democracy. They would destroy it.

“With the end of the Biden administration in sight, liberal pundits seem to be striving to prove that the only difference between a lawbreaker and a law-abiding citizen is the ability to get away with the crime. Popular figures on the left from Michael Moore to Keith Olbermann are calling on President Joe Biden to commit overtly unlawful acts in his final 100 days in office, including targeting his political opponents. In one of the few statements of Moore with which I agree, he stated that this is ‘no joke.’ It certainly is not,” explained constitutional expert Jonathan Turley,who not only has testified before Congress on the fine points of the Constitution but also has represented members in court in those disputes.

“In a posting on Substack, Moore told Biden that it was time to yield to temptation and check off a liberal 13-item ‘bucket list’ of demands, tossing aside questions of legality or constitutionality in the process,” he explained.

Moore’s demand to Biden was: “You’re not done. You’ve still got 100 days left in office! And the Supreme Court has just granted you super powers — AND immunity! You don’t answer to anyone. For the first time in over 50 years, you don’t have to campaign for anything…’You have full immunity! No kidding! No joke! That’s not hyperbole! You can get away with anything! And what if anything means everything to the people?’”

Turley explained, “The list includes emptying death row, canceling all student and medical debt, halting weapons shipments to Israel, ending the death penalty, declaring the Equal Rights Amendment a constitutional amendment, and granting clemency to nonviolent drug offenders. … Other pundits have pushed Biden and Democrats to take some of the actions on Moore’s list before the end of the administration.”

But he said such “constitutional looting would endanger not just the Constitution but the country as a whole if Biden were to heed this advice.”

“Many of these items could only be fulfilled by knowingly gutting the Constitution and assuming the powers of a monarch. That includes just canceling all student and medical debt in defiance of both the courts and Congress,” he noted.

Another leftist cited for his advocacy for illegality was Olbermann, who wants Biden to take into custody his political enemies and send them out of the country.

“If we can’t do that by conventional means, President Biden, you have presidential immunity. Get Elon Musk the F out of our country and do it now,” he said.

The leftists’ claims that the president has “immunity” comes from the fact they lost a Supreme Court ruling in one of their lawfare cases against President Trump. The high court said a president does have some immunity, but not in every case, a middle-ground decision that provides protection for official acts, but not every act.

The “disregard” for the law previously was voiced by “liberal academics like Harvard Professor Lawrence Tribe. Indeed, his past ‘just do it’ approach was not dissimilar in advice to Biden. For example, the Biden administration was found to have violated the Constitution in its imposition of a nationwide eviction moratorium through the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). Biden admitted that his White House counsel and most legal experts told him the move was unconstitutional. But he ignored their advice and went with that of Harvard University Professor Laurence Tribe, the one person who would tell him what he wanted to hear,” Turley’s commentary noted.

Turley said the fact that that pundits and law professors are repeating the “clearly erroneous” claim about immunity “is a measure of the triumph of rage over reason today.”

He cited the court’s ruling on immunity, where it “found that there was absolute immunity for actions that fall within their ‘exclusive sphere of constitutional authority’ while they enjoy presumptive immunity for other official acts. They do not enjoy immunity for unofficial, or private, actions.”

He noted that should a president like Biden actually deliberately violate the Constitution, courts would act quickly.

“Figures like Moore suggest that it would not matter. If so, Biden would not only flagrantly violate the Constitution, but then defy the authority of the federal courts. That includes unilaterally declaring an unratified amendment as ratified based on a meritless claim by the far Copyright 2024 WND News Center,” he wrote.

He warned the situation “shows how the line between tyranny and democracy can be lost in an age of rage.”

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