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While the media goes after the Trump campaign for simply breathing the wrong way, most reporters have yet to look at Kamala. And while reporters act as PR crisis agents for the Democratic Party, they would rather repeat leftist talking points than do their job.

So when New York Times reporter Lulu Garcia-Navarro pretended to press Vance on the issues at hand, she really tried to push her propaganda, as the left often believes saying the same thing repeatedly makes it truthful. Unclear if that’s why it’s so easy for Vance to flip the script on her and prove to the American people the media is not here to expose the truth, but, Vance shot her down when she tried to claim paying illegal immigrants poverty wages is the compassionate thing to do.

According to the New York Post:

“About a third of the construction workforce in this country is Hispanic. Of those, a large proportion are undocumented. So how do you propose to build all the housing necessary that we need in this country by removing all the people who are working in construction?” New York Times reporter Lulu Garcia-Navarro pressed him.

How about we start paying Americans a fair wage for those jobs rather than reserving them for cheap labor?

So all of a sudden the left is in favor of not paying a “liveable wage” when it comes to paying undocumented Hispanic workers under the table with poverty wages?

It turns out that while progressives call you racist for wanting to secure the border, they couldn’t be more guilty of this if they tried.

She stressed that she was “not arguing in favor of illegal immigration,” but merely wanted to gauge how Vance would solve the potential blow to the housing construction sector of his immigration policies.

So she’s not arguing in favor of illegal immigration by arguing in favor of it? Does that make sense to anyone? She also moved the goalpost by first stating this includes ⅓ of the workforce but then acting as if she’s talking about the entire force, which is why she claims we would have no houses and not less.

And the whole “Americans don’t like to work construction” is such a lazy, pathetic excuse for the Dems to import cheap labor while projecting the blame on you.

Vance noted he agrees with the litany of economists who’ve said the US has produced far fewer houses than it should have over recent decades.

But he took issue with the notion that illegal immigrants are needed to bolster that supply and harkened back to the 1960s, when he said the country managed to build housing despite a low level of illegal immigration at the time.

It turns out that when employers don’t pay undocumented workers poverty wages it does not equate to economic calamity. Who would have guessed that?

“I think that what you would do is you would take, let’s say for example, the 7 million prime-age men who have dropped out of the labor force, and you have a smaller number of women … you absolutely could re-engage folks into the American labor market,” Vance countered.

“People say, ‘Well, Americans won’t do those jobs,’” Vance acknowledged, before rebutting that common argument. “Americans won’t do those jobs for below-the-table wages. They won’t do those jobs for non-living wages, but people will do those jobs.”

So it’s not okay for fast food workers to receive minimum wage but it’s fine to exploit cheap labor from other countries?

The fact that the left claims this is the compassionate thing to do proves how deranged their ideology is.

Vance also shut her down when asked if Trump lost the 2020 election.

“Did big technology companies censor a story that independent studies have suggested, would’ve cost Trump millions of votes?” he responded, adding that she’s “repeating a slogan rather than engaging with what” he’s said.

“I’m worried about Americans who feel like there were problems in 2020. I’m not worried about this slogan that people throw.”

“‘Well, every court case went this way.’ I’m talking about something very discreet, a problem of censorship in this country that I do think affected things in 2020, and more importantly, that led to Kamala Harris‘ governance, which has screwed this country up in a big way.”

Whether or not it’s legal for big tech to interfere in an election by becoming the arbiters of truth, they did just that. And rather than the media look into these things they would rather repeat a slogan. And the fact that they slander Americans for caring to get to the bottom of this is telling.

The only thing Garcia-Navarro proved was how unintelligent and naive she is.

– YouTubeyoutu.be

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