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Is hooking up with your best friend destined to turn into a disaster?

As our loyal readers know, we’ve been on a bit of a relationship bender lately here at OutKick, and everyone seems to be enjoying it, judging from my emails.

It seems like no matter the subject, people have plenty of spicy takes and opinions they are eager to share whenever discussing dating, relationships and sex.

Well, buckle up because we have a doozy of a subject today:

Hooking up with your best friend.

Stories of people hooking up with their best friend go viral.

I was scrolling through Reddit as I often do when I stumbled upon a thread titled, “People who slept with their best friend, what happened?”


I had no idea what to expect, but the stories didn’t disappoint. Check out some of the answers below, let me know your thoughts at David.Hookstead@outkick.com and then we’ll unpack:

  • I caught feelings, she didn’t. We dropped the benefits part after a year and worked it out. Then I met my wife to be, and it became irrelevant.
  • We got married! And then divorced like ten months later.
  • Hey, we also got married! And then divorced like four years later.
  • We became closer, but it complicated our friendship afterward.
  • We ended up laughing about it but now there’s a lot more awkwardness during movie nights.
  • She told me I should move out of the flat and she never spoke to me again..best friends for years and did everything together..one stupid night of drinking way too much destroyed that friendship real quick..
  • We dated for 3 years before he did it again, but now he slept with my best friend instead…
  • A friend’s story: At first, they were sleeping together because the sexual tension was getting too much, but he couldn’t commit because he had greater priorities to take care of. Then when he realized he was at risk of losing her forever he took the plunge and asked her if she wanted to be with him, and she teased him wondering why it took him so long. She actually helped him get through a lot of things and turned out to be the support he needed all along. They’re happily married now.
  • I’m marrying him in 3 weeks! I’m so excited!
  • We got married, where together for 22 years.eventually divorced which is a bummer loosing your husband and bestfriend
  • She’s happily snoozing away next to me, she’s the absolute best and I don’t deserve her
  • It was like f**king my brother. Never happened again, stayed best friends.
  • Married her last October after 10 years together, she’s the f**king love of my life
  • He immediately stopped treating me like his best friend and started treating me like one of the other women he lied to about his feelings. 12 year friendship gone in 3 months.
  • We got married.
  • She loved the sex, said it was the best she’s ever had, and then pretended to love me until she ghosted me maybe 6 months later I miss my friend, before everything happened, she was great… though I guess I didn’t truly know her, only the mask she wore
  • We had both just gone through bad breakups. We split a bottle of wine and started venting about our failed relationships. One thing led to another and next thing we know we were in bed together
  • it went on for a few months, the sex was decent but I knew she was moving a couple hours away and neither of us were interested in making that work so it ended pretty amicably. We had a year or so of awkwardness and less contact but that also couldve been bc we saw each other much less with her moving. I moved across the country, she got married. We’re still friends but not like we were before
  • Slept with my best friend during covid lockdowns. It then became a regular occurrence until we both started to catch feelings and it became a bit toxic. He eventually got a girlfriend and we stopped speaking for a few months after, but now we’re back to being best friends and I consider his girlfriend one of my best friends as well. I’m thankful every day that it didn’t ruin our friendship
  • Married, 2 kids, 12 years together now. We both hate and enjoy life together.
  • My wife has been my best friend for over 24 years.

It seems like there’s not much middle ground in these scenarios. People either end up happily married or the friendship is over.

It’s a real of the dice when it comes to hooking up with your best friend, judging from the stories above. Now, due the fact there’s a .00001% chance my fiancée stumbles upon this and reads it, I’ll keep it PG for everyone.

Here’s two free pieces of advice that I’d highly-encourage everyone to listen to and consider following:

  1. Don’t hook up with your friends.
  2. Don’t hook up with your co-workers.

Now, I’ll be the first to admit that I’ve ignored both points above, which is why I’m in some kind of position to share advice. My fiancée and I actually used to work together, but that’s a story for another time.

It rarely ends well in either situation. That’s why I’m not overly shocked by many of the stories above. In fact, I’m surprised more weren’t negative. It’s simply a recipe for disaster more times than not, especially when it comes to coworkers.

Perhaps we’ll take a deeper walk down memory lane at some point, but that’s not today.

What are your thoughts on the subject? Let me know at David.Hookstead@outkick.com.