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We’re really, really tired of the media trying to paint Kamala Harris as the duly-elected Democratic Party nominee. She wasn’t elected. Not one voter cast a ballot for Kamala Harris in 2024 and so few did in 2020 that she dropped out of the primary that year before Iowa with precisely zero delegates.


She was installed, selected by Joe Biden and the party just went with it. They could’ve had a snap primary and let voters — you know, the ones who rejected Kamala in 2020 — pick a nominee. Yet they didn’t.

But because the media and the Democratic Party want to pretend they’re the ‘defenders of democracy’, they have to pretend things didn’t play out the way we’ve all seen them play out.

Which is why The New Republic is playing the ‘Kamala’s campaign is grassroots’ card. And failing.

They write, with a straight face:

Imagine, for just a moment, if Kamala Harris’s supporters were prone to the sort of political idolatry that characterizes Donald Trump’s devotees. It’s a thought experiment suited to an election for which the word historic feels inadequate to capture either Harris’s political ascent or the sheer number of unprecedented events that led to it. There is the aberration of Trump, the twice-impeached, feloniously convicted, rape-adjudicated former president—a bitter old racist returned for a third time to usher in the white supremacist autocracy that his attempted coup failed to. In any election, President Joe Biden’s age and enfeeblement since taking office would have been an issue of concern, but under the threat of Trumpism, Biden’s disastrous debate performance jettisoned the false narrative that he alone was a bulwark for democracy. Harris—elected in 2020 as the first woman, first Black, and first South Asian vice president because her résumé of legislative and prosecutorial public service made her uniquely suited for the job—should have been recognized as a better candidate than both of those men from the start. 




This is insane Kamala fanfic and nothing more.

Stupid. Like The New Republic staff.

Kamala has lost significant ground with even black voters in a way that is all but certain doom for this ‘grassroots’ campaign.

BUT GRASSROOTS! Or something.

She’s a woman of the people. Or something.

That’s exactly what they mean.

Yeah. Memo to The New Republic: words mean things.

We all saw how this played out, too.


It sure does.

It sure is.

We’d love to hear them define ‘grassroots’, for sure.

Quite literally. And we all saw it.


A bunch of bull.