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There are more than a few iron laws on social media. The Iron Law of Woke Projection is the most well-known, as the left always accuses everyone else of exactly what they are doing. 


Another iron law is that if you have to tell everyone who or what you are, then you are 100 percent not that thing. For instance, announcing that you are an ‘alpha male’ almost certainly guarantees that, in real life, you probably look and behave like Obamacare’s ‘Pajama Boy.’

But one of our favorite underrated iron laws is the ‘As a …’ Rule. This iron law notes that any tweet that begins with ‘As a …” is always — ALWAYS — followed by some of the worst, most hypocritical bullcrap you have ever heard in your life. (For example, ‘As a veteran, I don’t think Americans should be able to keep and bear arms.’)

Bill Kristol learned the hard way yesterday about the ‘As a …” Rule when he took to Twitter to announce that he is a white American man and, as such, he — and by implication, everyone else who shares those traits — is the problem with America.

Umm … what? Say, have you considered wearing blackface, Bill? Lots of other leftists have done it. 

It gets worse in Kristol’s column for The Bulwark, where he announces his racist self-hatred in more detail. We won’t share the full article, but here is one of the cringiest excerpts:



The more important point is this: If you believe it’s important to defeat Trump, it’s not Obama’s ‘brothers’ who are the problem. It’s my ‘brothers’ who are the problem: white voters.

You want to know why Trump has a decent chance to win the presidency again? Because most white Americans support him. In the latest New York Times/Siena poll, Trump wins white voters by 52 percent to 44 percent.

Oh, NO. Fifty-two to forty-four? The horror. 

All of this is in the context of Kristol praising Obama and pretending that Kamala Harris is doing just great among young black voters. 

Yeah, no. She’s not. Yes, she will still win that demographic by a significant margin, as Kristol notes, but she is bleeding support among black men of all ages and that is a recipe for defeat for a Democrat, the party that cannot win a single election without racial division. 

But it was Kristol’s comments about being a white, American man as a ‘problem’ that drew the most fire on Twitter.

Of course, Kristol points a finger at himself, but he is not fooling anyone. The clear implication of his racist tweet and article is that he is one of the ‘good whites’ and it is everyone else who is the problem. Specifically, conservatives and Trump voters.


Yes, Kristol’s admonishments are sure to win voters to Harris’s side. LOL. 

In 2024, it is forbidden by the left to mock or insult nearly every demographic group in America. Except for straight, white men. The left has been attacking them for more than a generation and now they’re surprised that they aren’t getting their votes? 

What happened is that Donald Trump didn’t start any new wars. Democrats have become the party of endless, useless wars, which is Kristol’s favorite cause above all else. He loves sending other people’s children off to die in wars that achieve nothing except huge profits for Kristol’s patrons at Raytheon and Northrop-Grumman. 


Yep. There it is. 

We’re not sure when it happened, but it was sometime after 2015, based on this receipt from PolitiBunny: 

OOF. In less than a decade, Kristol has foresworn everything he once claimed to stand for. 

Trump truly did expose so many fake people. 

He certainly is. And Twitter wasn’t about to let him project his own weakness and racism onto millions of other white men. 

Oh, we don’t care. But we do like to highlight them so more people can see who and what patriotic Americans are up against. 

No, we don’t consider Kristol to be a man. Just another corrupt swamp creature. 

The irony of all of this is that even though Harris is losing black men, Kristol is correct that she will probably win the black vote by more than two to one. Again, that’s not enough to win the election, but she will take that demographic by a sizeable margin. 


Contrarily, Kristol is in a racist panic because Trump is winning the white vote by … eight points. 

Huh. It sure seems like that shows a pretty even split. But Bill Kristol doesn’t care. Hawking racism and racist division pays big money on the left and those are the only people he is speaking to. 

Here’s a tip, Bill: Learn the iron laws of social media. 

And if you are going to write an ‘As a …’ tweet, you might as well just start that tweet with ‘As an unprincipled, racist, warmonger …’

At least then you’d be honest.