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Kamala Harris and Tim Walz have made a penchant for chastising “hate speech” and “misinformation” on the campaign trail this election season.  While those words might not seem like much to those less familiar with how our constitutional form of government, and specifically the First Amendment, is supposed to work, they are offensive to those of us who understand a thing or two about the Constitution – particularly, the notable omission of a so-called “hate speech” clause.

In truth, liberals like Kamala and Walz are merely playing with words (and not particularly well) doing their best to not tell people what they truly believe.  However, Kamala and Walz are so incompetent that it should be plainly obvious to any attentive listener of what they mean by “hate speech”: they abhor – and, insidiously, think should be unlawful –any criticism personally directed at them or their woke policies.  Kamala’s leftist ideology thrives in the dark; it cannot sustain under the piercing bright light of truth.  That is why the Left – and the Democratic Party – is hellbent on silencing their critics, especially Donald Trump, by any means necessary.  The old adage is that when the ballot fails, the bullet becomes the last option.  So far, the Left has managed to rig a presidential election and install a dummy president, as well as twice attempt to kill Donald Trump. And yet, despite the titanic forces of opposition against him, is as of this writing now leading in every single one of the seven key battleground states on Real Clear Politics (he only needs to win 3 or 4 to take the electoral college).

The problem with establishing artificial barriers on speech – devised not out of reason, but emotion – is that it limits the great possibilities for a nation, economically, culturally, and technologically, stymying progress and setting the country back decades, if not centuries.  “The closing of the American mind” is a real and present danger, and it is readily manifested in the policies and persona of Kamala Harris, who, in addition to being a diehard liberal, certainly lacks the mental powers to fathom the ideas that spawned the great innovations of our country’s past and are required to – in a phrase – “build back better.”  Part of this has to do with the decades-long assault on speech, which only appeases the dregs of society, who lack the reasoning faculties to contribute anything of substance.  By pandering to the lowest common denominator (which is the only advantage of regulating free speech at all in modern societies), it allows those less intellectually and naturally gifted to receive an artificial leg up, because on an otherwise level platform, they would easily be stampeded by their natural superiors.

But the downside of this, particularly over an extended period of time, is that all of society ossifies – we become paralyzed in this constant and false belief to cater to those who contribute, relatively speaking, nothing meaningful to the collective good.  In turn, those who are the most gifted – the innovators, creative geniuses, and visionary statesmen – are forced into playing along with this ridiculous charade.  The dregs of society manipulate mass opinion, and particularly Christian sentimentality, by exploiting feelings of guilt or self-righteous envy, admonishing those who do not invest everything in the dregs in the vilest of terms – racist, bigot, xenophobe, homophobe.  The more gullible of the productive group are duped into believing their pandering is moral or virtuous, when in fact it simply is accommodating to the malignant dictates of communists, spiritual if not actual, who should be spurned wholesale for the cancerous blight they thrust onto the rest of us.

In the late nineteenth and early twentieth century – the period leftist historians have labeled “gilded” even though it was truly a golden age in American industrial and cultural prolificity– the mentality of “survival of the fittest,” not “diversity, equity, and inclusion” was the rule of the day.  This led to untold innovation, from the transcontinental railroad to the Empire State Building, springing all sorts of titans of industry whose names – Rockefeller, Vanderbilt, Carnegie – remain with us, in all their larger-than-life grandeur, to this very day.  Though latter day historians would have later generations believe this was a most cruel and inhumane age, the factual record begs to differ: it was an age of unparalleled philanthropy.  It was an age of grand investments – reflecting a grand confidence – in America’s grand potential.  The Chicago World’s Fair held in 1933, as but one example, showcased America at its cultural apotheosis – the culmination of centuries of Western scientific and artistic achievement that catapulted both United States and world into the future.

Unfortunately, world war came, and subsequently periods of civil unrest and cultural and moral rot.  These events set back the mighty optimism of the early part of the twentieth century by decades, if not permanently.  Kamala Harris and Tim Walz are the atrophied, latter-day expressions of the terminal decline that has steadily taken hold of the American imagination, paralyzing its once robust and nonpareil powers of creativity to a screeching (emphasis on “screech”) halt.  Donald Trump and Elon Musk, as the antitheses of that degenerative ideology, represent what America can be again – unshackled (unburdened?) by the Marxist tendencies, now incubated all throughout virtually every institution in American society today.

What was responsible for the grand innovations of America’s past (and with Trump, has the makings of a Second American Renaissance in the twenty-first century) was the Constitution, perhaps the greatest achievement in Western history.  The Constitution’s sweeping allowances on speech, assembly, and religious freedom – fortified by a robust and incontrovertible right to bear arms – were not simply enigmatic pet passions of a small group of elite men living in the Eighteenth Century, they were — are — the necessary building blocks of civilization itself.  The results speak for themselves: after being put into practice for nearly two and a half centuries, these building blocks produced more innovation compressed within that compact period of time than any other era in human history.

The foreigner has always been envious of American civilization (this is why the illegal alien is Kamala’s most coveted constituent), because America represented heights that no other people in history were able to achieve on their own.  Thus, although America has been generous to the world, its generosity has always been contingent on a nonnegotiable exclusivity: you cannot, in other words, outsource yourselves to the world – culturally, economically, and demographically – and seek to preserve your native heritage at the same time.  This in large part explains the dampening of the American spirit, the stifling of progress, and the introduction of makeshift bureaucracies, which get larger and larger by the day, that have all but displaced the innovative and manufacturing prowess that once made America great.

Bureaucracy kills progress, it’s as simple as that.  The spiritual motives for large bureaucracies – Elon Musk, during his Butler remarks, noted that more than two administrative (or “deep state”) agencies have been created every year since the inception of the republic itself – shares in common with the motives for squashing speech and trampling over progress, overall.  A “services economy” goes hand-in-hand with big government; the impulse towards clericalism, the modus operandi of the bureaucrat, over constructivism demarcates a supremely decadent society in its final stages, where it is confronted with two choices: restoration or total collapse.   The United States is now at that point, with Donald Trump representing the former, and the machinery supporting Kamala Harris, the latter.

There is a reason red states like Florida and Texas have been, especially in recent decades, wellsprings for American business, as once vibrant blue-states, like New York and California, are bloodletting the last of their great industries, almost by the day now.  The states without burdensome regulations simply do better — much better — than the states that have them. The lawyers have overtaken the entrepreneurs and innovators in the blue states, introducing more laws, more frivolous regulations, that have rendered life in these states increasingly inhospitable to those who prefer building, rather than leeching, society.   For his part, Musk has proposed what he called a  “government efficiency commission,” whose task it presumably would be to downsize the scale of government, eliminating and consolidating unnecessary industries where they can be identified, and returning power to the states – and, by extension, to the people, from whom it has long been robbed.

These sound like good ideas that any sensible American would get around.  Leftists often talk about reparations, but it is really American people – legacy Americans, most of all – who deserve them for being robbed over decades and decades by their government of opportunities, from the right to build on one’s land whatever one desires without the nanny state’s intervention to the right to send their children to whatever schools they desire, without being asked.  To have stripped these fundamental rights away without the consent of the governed (a requirement of our Constitution, if anyone still cares to read it), amounts to a crime against humanity.  This would be true no matter what, but things get especially egregious when, all things considered, those so-called equity-driven regulations have been entirely a net-negative on society, with no appreciable upside whatsoever. They are by and large the brainchild of uncreative and self-righteous minds — a deadly combination. The bureaucrat, that most despicable kind of bugman, is driven by “environmentalism” and “equity,” his worldly counterfeits for religious dogma, both of which have zero basis in reality or nature, and yet animate probably close to 95% of all modern regulations.

If a regulation is based in “environmentalism” – or, in corporate parlance, “ESG” – it is simply a codename for a life-denying philosophy, one that deems climate change as an existential threat to human existence, and one that perceives the human being as the enemy par excellence in its war against reality itself.  Correspondingly, if a regulation is based in “equity” – or, in corporate parlance, “DEI” – it is simply a codename for a type of institutionalized communism: an ideology that seeks to level all natural distinctions between men, deeming “unfair” the disparities that God and nature mandated.  This is sophistry at its finest – one that puts man, not God, as the center of the universe, limited only by an insatiable ego that, when taken to its logical conclusion, seeks to conquer reality itself.  These regulations are only made worse by the contingencies of our technological society, which reify the sociopathic urge to surveil (which finds itself at an all-time high in these sorry times) that much easier, empowering the faceless bureaucrat in ways that our Founding Fathers would have readily condemned as “despotic.”

A century ago, when lawmakers and judges adhered more rigorously to the text of the Constitution itself – and did not deviate from the airy bromides of communist ideology – America was an actual civilization.  Its exclusivity reflected the confidence this once great and mighty nation had in its people and principles.  These principles, much like its people, were sober and pragmatic – they did not seek to revolutionize society, or, heaven forbid, force equality and other specious secular dogmas by law (let alone brute force).  Instead, equality and a general humanitarianism flourished because the government respected the boundaries that existed, and was required, by nature.  Unsurprisingly, this yielded one of the most prolific civilizations ever known to man.  Kamala Harris incubates the envious impulses of the foreigner who, because she could never achieve civilization remotely comparable to what America achieved herself, is driven by a fanatical appetite to destroy, destroy, and destroy.  This is why no society that has prostrated itself to the world, allowing swarms of foreign and low-IQ migrants from faraway places, has endured any extended length of time.

America’s Constitution enshrines and safeguards principles that must be preserved through some degree of exclusivity, for that is the only way our birthright can be perpetuated generation after generation.  Every Founding Father understood this; it is high time we, their latter-day progeny, do as well.  If not, we will forfeit this grand experiment to the enemy, which Kamala Harris personifies, that bureaucratic blight that is invariably the enemy of civilization and true progress in every age.