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Even on vacation, some topics just demand attention. And the weirdest video by a sitting governor ever definitely qualifies. 

Yesterday, I caught up with this strange promotion by Gretchen Whitmer, in which she feeds a Dorito to an apparent acolyte, to send a message to voters. David covered this yesterday, but it’s just too strange to let slide without weighing in myself. As best as I can suss out, the intention behind this video was to call attention to the CHIPS Act by, er … role-playing subservience/idolatry to a chief executive. 


And that’s the cleanest interpretation I can imagine about this scene:

Liz Plank, who played the role of adoring acolyte in this bizarre play, attempted to explain it:

“If he won’t, Gretchen Whitmer will,” the influencer wrote with the video on Instagram. “Chips aren’t just delicious, the CHIPS Act is a game-changer for U.S. tech and manufacturing, boosting domestic production of semiconductors to reduce reliance on foreign suppliers! Donald Trump would put that at risk.”

Forget the specific policy and just reflect on the ‘argument’ presented in this mini-psychodrama … heavy on the psycho. Plank apparently wants voters to simply swallow what Whitmer is handing out on sheer adoration and loyalty. This isn’t an intellectual argument for the CHIPS Act, or even for Whitmer’s continued governance. This is an invitation to join a cult, brought to you by their idol, or at least one of them. Call them Gretchenologists, or perhaps Kamalites.

So much for the ongoing “republic vs democracy” debate. The Left wants to transform us into a secular theocracy. Don’t ask questions, don’t talk about issues — just swallow what you’re given and be grateful for it!

And say … isn’t that exactly what Team Kamala demands of voters in this cycle? Don’t ask her questions, don’t expect answers … just worship The Vibe!

Remind me again which party claims to be protecting democracy and self-governance?

For me, that is the truly creepy aspect of this video, especially with Whitmer’s participation in that message. Elected officials are servants, not high priests and priestesses of the Ruling Elite. Whitmer clearly sees herself as the latter rather than the former. And that is a real threat to democracy. 


Of course, the other controversy of this video among its many critics was just what Plank and Whitmer used as a basis for this imagery. On Twitter, my first impression of this was that it mocked the Catholic Eucharist, where the faithful receive the body of Christ from the priest. Communion rails are relatively rare these days, but a number of Catholics still receive communion on the tongue rather than in the hand, and some of those kneel to receive it. For tens of millions of Catholics — not to mention Lutherans and Orthodox and other ecclesial communities that have some belief in the True Presence in the Eucharist — this looks like mockery of our faith and our practices by secular idolators.

Others rushed to defend against that interpretation by claiming — I kid you not — that it was only a fetish milieu from Tik-Tok and BDSM porn. Well, that’s certainly a relief! The sitting governor of Michigan likes to create weird porn-influenced videos for self-promotion and promotion of Democrats and their agenda. I can’t express how much better I feel as a voter and a Catholic to know that. Not to mention how much better I feel that a governor marinates in the tweeny stew of TikTok, where Beijing has its fingers firmly inserted to influence content and messaging. 

Great defense, everyone!

Basically, we’re left with three versions of Hell from which to choose an explanation:

  1. Whitmer and Plank want to create a cult by which Whitmer and Kamala Harris are high priestesses and everyone else is subservient to them
  2. Whitmer and Plank are attacking Catholics and Christians in order to promote Kamala Harris and the radical queer agenda
  3. Whitmer and Plank are big fans of submissive porn themes and think they should apply to politics


So which fresh Hell is this? 

Note: These are not mutually exclusive options, either.

Addendum: For the proper attitude toward public officials, might I recommend Psalm 146 verse 3. It’s still the best advice for citizens in a true democratic republic to resist the establishment of tyrants. Of course, it helps to have faith in something other than Uncle Sugar first.