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If gender and sex were two different things then there would be nothing to “transition” to. Given this blatant fact, why must the left insist on destroying girls’ sports? Why are the “adults” in the room advocating against fair play?

These are reasons that the left cannot explain, which is why students are not dumb enough to fall for the lie that boys in girls’ sports is somehow the “compassionate” thing to do. So it only makes sense that high school students all over the State of New York will protest male athletes intruding in female sports two weeks before the election.

According to Fox News:

The Coalition to Protect Kids has organized a walkout, dubbed “Walk Off for Fairness Day,” on Oct. 24 that has received the support of conservative leaders.

The protest will occur roughly two weeks before Election Day, when New Yorkers will be able to vote on extra protections in the state’s constitution.

Proposition 1, the “Equal Rights Amendment,” seeks to not discriminate based on “race, color, ethnicity, national origin, age, disability, creed, religion, or sex, including sexual orientation, gender identity or expression, pregnancy, pregnancy outcomes, reproductive healthcare and autonomy.” While athletics is not strictly cited, those against the proposition say the writing is on the wall.

If passed, this would almost certainly destroy many opportunities for girls all over the state.

Why should athletic dreams be crushed under the guise of an indescribable feeling that no one can explain? Just because someone “feels” like a woman, whatever that even means, why must that be at the expense of girls’ sports? And the fact that this is coming from the side that vows to fight the invisible patriarchy is ironic, yet unsurprising.

There’s a reason we divide sports based on sex, and those reasons are so blatantly obvious even cavemen knew these answers. But for some reason, progressives decided that anyone, anywhere can claim to feel some type of way, all at the expense of female-only spaces.

Nassau County lawmakers in June voted to pass a bill that would prohibit transgender athletes from competing in girls’ and women’s sports at county-run facilities.

The measure, which covers more than 100 sites just outside New York City, requires any teams, leagues or organizations that seek a permit from the county’s parks and recreation department to “expressly designate” whether they are for male, female or coed athletes.

If an all-female team allows males to compete they would be denied a permit. This should not be controversial. However, leftist leaders are pretending the compassionate thing to do is destroy a rule that we never needed until the left decided biology was bigoted.

Progressives literally just woke up one day and claimed sex is not real and are now demanding society acquiesce to those deranged ideas. But no matter how hard they try it will always remain that trans women are men. The fact that students have to act in justified civil disobedience to make a point to voters is unfathomable but necessary since the left decided to destroy fairness in sports.

– YouTubewww.youtube.com