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People on Reddit are sharing nightmare relationship stories, and it might make you want to stay single forever.

As I often say, you never know what you’re going to get when you fire up Reddit and start scrolling through the site.

There’s plenty of uplifting and fascinating content. There are also some absolute horror stories that are impossible to miss.

It’s the latter one that leads us to today’s topic.

Reddit users share wild relationship stories.

I spotted a thread asking people something an ex did in a relationship that should have made them bolt on the spot, and we all knew it was an immediate click from me.

Embrace the carnage and drama! The stories are absolute nightmare fuel. Read a few below, and let me know your thoughts at David.Hookstead@outkick.com:

  • Making me feel bad for bringing up something that made me uncomfortable, insecure, sad, angry, or any other emotion.
  • When I got the call that my grandmother had unexpectedly passed, I was understandably distraught. The usual meltdown with tears and wailing from the utter shock of the whole thing. He apparently “couldn’t handle” the state I was in and was very upset at my reaction. So I ended up comforting him the whole night/day after instead of properly grieving the loss of someone who was essentially my second mother
  • Cheated on me at the start. She said she was sorry and I thought we could move from it. We didn’t.
  • Manipulating me into not going out, see friends, meet new people, have hobbies on my own. Basically anything that caused us to not be together 24/7
  • My 4ft 11 ex gf broke my nose in my sleep because at a work function she was invited too I talked to the bosses niece.  Cool thing about it is when I showed up to work with 2 black eyes everyone laughed at me. Imagine if I a 6ft ex british army boxer broke my 4ft 11 gfs nose in her sleep sure it would be just as hilarious.
  • Spent more time speaking to people on her phone rather than me
  • Well… found out she cheated on me after we got out of the relationship. Felt some bad vibes during our relationship, so yeah feelings were true.
  • She hit me. A lot. She was also verbally abusive and made fun of my PTSD from military service. I finally worked up the courage to leave a few months ago.
  • Didn’t tell other men who hit on her that we were engaged.
  • She was at my place, said she had to go home. I said something along the lines of “okay, have a safe trip back.” She got mad at me for not fighting for her to stay longer. It felt so immature. I have no interest in games, only clear and open communication. I dumped her the next day.
  • She spat in my face during an argument. I should have ended it there, but I was dumb enough to stick around a couple of weeks more, when she did it again.
  • We lived together. Well, she lived in my house. Didn’t contribute financially to anything. Groceries, mortgage, cable/internet/house phone, all me. She got offended when I sent out invitations to a fourth of July party and listed the location as “my house” instead of “our house.” We did eventually break up, but it took a long time.
  • Would lie about the smallest things that didn’t matter if she thought I wouldn’t like the truth. Surprise surprise she lied about bigger things…
  • Cheat on me for months with her ex, while telling me my jealousy (I knew something was up) was ruining our relationship.

Well, I think that’s enough internet for me today. I think that just about does it in terms of horrible stories that I need to see for today.

Seriously, what the hell is wrong with people? What is wrong with society? These stories might honestly have everyone wanting to be single.

Fortunately, I’ve never experienced anything that would rate even close to most of the stories above, and I’m currently engaged to a saint of a woman.

There are two things that I would likely end a relationship over immediately if it was in the early stages:

  • Going through my phone.
  • Asking about my (working class) financial information.

Asking to go through someone’s phone is unhinged psycho behavior, and I will never allow it. Not even once. I’ll smash my phone into a million pieces before someone goes through it on pure principle alone. Anyone asking to go through your phone is not someone you want to be with. It’s a sign that there’s no trust, and the relationship is over. It’s just a matter of when it becomes official.

Asking about someone’s financial state prior to getting engaged when it’s time for serious conversations about money is also crazy. I would dump a woman so fast it would make your head spin if they did that, and I’m just a working class guy without much to my name.

I did once date a woman a very long time ago who tried to covertly poke around my money with some questions I believe she thought were pretty savvy and discreet. They were not. Not even a little bit, and as I’m sure you can guess, the relationship didn’t last.

Have any experiences that were huge red flags? Let me know at David.Hookstead@outkick.com.