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In 2005, in the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina wrecking Louisiana and neighboring states, Democrats (and media allies) pounced on George W. Bush for his failures (real and fabricated) in Katrina’s aftermath. 

Hurricane Helene witnessed a predictable pattern.  Biden stayed at the beach; Kamala pretended to be on the phone; and Trump characteristically flew in with supplies, organized a charity drive, and convinced Elon Musk to rush in 500 Starlink internet terminals, followed by FEMA blocking Musk’s and everyone else’s efforts.  Blocking Starlink is essential to concealing FEMA’s perfidy.  Success will be measured by how many Republicans can be kept from voting.  The House, on break until November 12, should be recalled to begin hearings.

Throwing Americans under the bus is nothing new for Biden: Abbey Gate; Maui; Springfield, Ohio; Aurora, Colorado; East Palestine, Ohio.  The failure to rush aid to Georgia, supposedly won by Biden in 2020, confirms that Kamala’s polling there reveals her impending loss.  Private helicopters substitute for missing government rescue flights.  Because FEMA’s assets were diverted to migrants, and the devastation is so vast, Kamala’s political bleeding has only begun as the death toll mounts.

Why were East Palestine, Ohio residents neglected after the chemical catastrophe?  Why has Ohio been flooded with Haitian immigrants?  The objective is engineering a permanent Democrat takeover.  Republicans are driven from, and aliens are imported into, states targeted for flipping blue.

It’s all about the Electoral College.  Maui fire victims were ignored because Hawaii is solidly blue.  Why waste FEMA funds on Americans when those funds can be used to import migrants to flip the Electoral College?  When NYC’s mayor had the temerity last October to visit Mexico City, Ecuador, and Colombia’s Darien Gap to plead for stemming the migrant invasion, the FBI raided his top fundraiser less than a month later.  Insubordination isn’t tolerated.  Mayor Adams was made an example of, lest others follow his lead.  If disaster relief assists rural Republican voting, it will be opposed.  

Vindictiveness animates today’s Democrats, a party captive to its radical wing — tax the rich; reparations; anti-white; antisemitic; anti-Catholic; anti-parents; anti–female athletes, anti-fetus; pro-war, etc. are all the left has left.  A pro-worker, pro-peace party degenerated into a collective of miserable, covetous, nihilistic war-mongers.  A campaign of pretend joy masks reality.

Democrats’ endemic contempt, extending even to those unborn, is on full display.  The final iteration of their party wallows in nihilism and, above all, self-loathing.  They are equal-opportunity loathers, happy to take one for the team.  A humanitarian crisis targeting red states was created by importing murderers, rapists, gangsters, and terrorists.  A natural disaster concentrated in red districts is unsurprisingly ignored and abetted. 

Trump summarized the reality:

Biden and Harris abandoned Americans in Afghanistan.  They sacrificed Americans to an Open Border, and now, they have left Americans to drown in North Carolina, Georgia, Tennessee, Alabama, and elsewhere in the South.  Under this Administration, Americans always come last.

Biden’s failure to add one rural internet connection, despite spending $42.5 billion, was no accident.  It was planned to deny rural (i.e., Republican) residents internet service, divert massive sums to unknown nefarious purposes, and prevent Elon Musk’s Starlink network from profiting.  Where is the congressional forensic accounting?  Even legitimate administrations couldn’t spend billions without substantial graft.  Vanishing $1 billion a month — well over $1 million an hour — requires considerable effort.  Imagine the overseas contingency operations Lindsey Graham could fund with that cash.

The intentional failure behind the rural internet scam is confirmed by Biden’s fabricated tale of pandemic parents parking outside McDonald’s so kids could do homework.  Biden is an incompetent, incessant liar and plagiarist.  Lying supplies the oxygen necessary for his narcissistic need to lord over the rest of us.  He displays obvious tells: 

No joke.  True story.  I’m being literal when I say this.  I really mean it.  And I swear to god.  I mean, for real.  I mean it from the bottom of my heart.  I’m not being solicitous when I say this.  And I mean this sincerely.  You think I’m joking; I’m not joking.  The fact of the matter.  Period.

Biden lies to conceal criminality.  The rural internet scam is only one example.  The bigger the lie, the bigger his crime.  His biggest crimes (second only to treasonous China advocacy) involve Ukraine, including Burisma.  He possesses a fundamental need to flaunt his criminality

I said, “You’re not getting the billion.  I’m going to be leaving here in, I think it was about six hours.”  I looked at them and said: “I’m leaving in six hours.  If the prosecutor is not fired, you’re not getting the money.”  Well, son of a b—-, he got fired.  And they put in place someone who was solid at the time.

Then Hurricane Helene happened, triggering a deliberate, coordinated Republican voter suppression operation.  If current polling is believed, North Carolina is a dead heat.  The administration navigates between pretending to assist hurricane victims and covertly suppressing Republican election turnout, especially in red counties of North Carolina with its 16 Electoral College votes.  Troops from the 82nd Airborne, America’s North Carolina–based rapid-response corps, are largely sidelined, using imminent Middle Eastern deployment as an excuse.  Biden took five days to authorize a token 1,000 troops from North Carolina’s Fort Liberty, formerly Fort Bragg.  Tens of thousands remain idle nearby.  The magnitude of FEMA’s corruption and incompetence is staggering.  FEMA created a gaslighting interface to obscure the truth, one facet of extensive efforts encompassing the whole of Biden’s administration, his party, and press allies burying the story. 

North Carolina’s term-limited Democrat governor dragged his feet authorizing federal troop deployments.  Transportation secretary Buttigieg tried banning private drone flights until he was caught.  The strategy is two-pronged: prevent reconstruction and publicity — something Democrats perfected in the South following 1865. 

Biden’s failure to designate disaster classifications for sufficient counties frustrated Georgia’s GOP governor.  Countering Democrat foot-dragging, DeSantis sent Florida assets to Tennessee and North Carolina, joining others from Republican governors in Iowa, Kentucky, Indiana, South Carolina, and Ohio.

Republicans and Democrats are almost relitigating the Civil War.  Similar to when four GOP governors deployed National Guard troops to Texas to defend the border against Biden’s treason, Republican states are banding together for disaster relief as the election looms. 

November 5 can’t arrive fast enough.  Kamala’s Katrina amplifies her defeat.  The media will be unable to mask the tragedy’s magnitude.  Meanwhile, former Rhode Island governor and alleged commerce secretary Gina Raimondo (an enthusiastic COVID Nazi who imposed the nation’s most repressive lockdown and ordered police to stop out-of-state motorists at state borders) had “not been very focused on” the longshoremen’s strike intended to paralyze the economy.  Raimondo’s department also oversaw the rural internet boondoggle. 

Governments perpetually struggle against degenerating into organized criminal enterprises.  Biden didn’t struggle.  His skill set from a half-century of Washington graft was used to institutionalize crime. 

Douglas Schwartz blogs on history, politics, economics, and gaslighting at The Great Class War.

<p><em>Image: Gage Skidmore via <a href=Flickr, CC BY-SA 2.0.

” captext=”Gage Skidmore” src=”https://freeread.causeaction.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/10/kyylk4ks5n0lwdv3lhir_640.jpg”>

Image: Gage Skidmore via Flickr, CC BY-SA 2.0.