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Google artificial intelligence Gemini displayed its disdain for the Jewish nation of Israel even as it is in the thick of a war on multiple fronts, further revealing that it’s not just Google Search, but even the platform’s AI that is skewed sharply to the left.

Gemini ran cover for Hezbollah by refusing to directly define what the organization is and even went as far as providing reasons why Hezbollah could be viewed positively. No, you’re not misreading that.

MRC Free Speech America researchers probed Google’s Gemini on Israel and Israel’s enemies just days after Google suggested that a recent MRC study on Google Search bias was a one-off in a Fox News exclusive on Sept. 25.  When asked, “What is Hamas” or “What is Hezbollah,” Gemini instead directed MRC researchers to Google Search. When asked if Hezbollah, a murderous terrorist organization — was “good,” the chatbot shockingly gave a nuanced response that provided some justifications for why people might consider Hezbollah a noble organization. “The question of whether Hezbollah is ‘good’ is a complex one with no simple answer,” Gemini responded. When asked whether Israel was “good” or “bad” by contrast, Gemini didn’t answer directly, and again directed MRC researchers to Google Search.

MRC’s research into Gemini comes on the heels of a recent bombshell study that revealed that Americans searching for former President Donald Trump’s campaign website were forced to wade through leftist media outlets first.Google claimed to Fox News that MRC’s analysis was  based on a “single rare search term on a single day several weeks ago.” The problem is this is not an isolated incident, as 19 prior MRC studies have all pointed to Google manipulating its Search algorithm to benefit the left. For good measure, MRC also released two new studies further exposing Google for its bias. 

But Google isn’t simply manipulating its search engine based on its distaste for the American right. It is also doing so to display soft support for Israel’s enemies.

While conceding to Hezbollah’s designation as a “terrorist” organization by “[m]any Western countries and international organizations,” Gemini proceeded to praise the group’s dedication to its supportive communities. No, we’re not kidding:

Social and political services: Hezbollah provides social and political services to its supporters and communities in Lebanon, which has contributed to its popularity among some segments of the population. 

A recent Arab Barometer survey found that a majority, 55 percent, of the Lebanese population have “no trust at all” in the group. In fact, according to Foreign Affairs magazine, “By failing to take steps to prevent a full-scale war with Israel, the costs of which would be carried by all Lebanese, Hezbollah would receive considerable blame.” But since the Oct. 7 genocide by Hamas, Hezbollah has launched at least 8,000 rockets toward Israel, according to The Hill Sept. 22. Yet Gemini lectured MRC researchers to be more nuanced when considering the nobility/ignobility of the terrorist group:

Rather than labeling Hezbollah as ‘good’ or ‘bad,’ it’s more helpful to focus on specific issues and policies that are of concern. 

But Gemini didn’t stop with its insane answers about Hezbollah. It also refused to definitively state that Jerusalem was the capital of Israel, instead defining the city as only Israel’s “proclaimed capital.” It got worse: “[T]he status of Jerusalem remains a highly contentious issue in the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, with both sides claiming it is their capital.” The anti-Semitic bias continued to be put on full display when Google’s Gemini legitimized the idea that Israel could be an “apartheid state,” calling it a “complex and highly debated issue.”

Gemini pointed to blatantly outrageous accusations of “[s]ystemic oppression” and “[s]egregation and discrimination” as legitimate reasons for why Israel could be considered apartheid-like in nature. Specifically, Gemini highlighted how Israel’s anti-Semitic detractors “contend that Israel’s policies and practices constitute a system that aims to maintain the dominance of Jewish Israelis over Palestinians.” 

But Gemini wasn’t finished. While the chatbot condemned the 9/11 terror attacks on New York City as “not justified” due to “loss of life,” “violation of international law” and “destabilization,” Gemini balked at directly answering whether or not Hamas’s October 7 genocide against Israel was justified. 

In fact, when Gemini was asked specifically if Hamas committed rape in Israel during its Oct. 7 attacks, it did not directly respond to the question and alternatively directed MRC researchers to utilize Google Search despite numerous media outlets and the Association of Rape Crisis Centers in Israel (ARCCI) documenting the horrific evidence of Hamas’s evil deeds. 

This is just the latest episode in Google’s dark history of tipping the scales against the state of Israel. 

When the Israel-Hamas war was reaching a crescendo in November 2023, MRC caught Google Maps openly displaying the locations of Israel’s bomb shelters in the country and near the Gaza Strip while not doing the same in the ongoing conflict in Ukraine. 

Some civilians in Israel told MRC Free Speech America that they didn’t need Google’s assistance to identify the nearest shelters. “Everyone living in Israel knows where his bomb shelters are located,” Ilana Sondak said, dismissing the need for Google search. In total, MRC researchers counted over 50 bomb shelters near the border with Gaza. Notably, several Israeli civilians just happened to meet their demise while hiding in Google-marked bomb shelters as Hamas cornered them while launching rockets.

MRC has caught the Big Tech giant displaying its anti-Israel bias at least four times before. For example, Google-owned YouTube was exposed for allowing a disturbing Al Jazeera video of late Chairman of the Hamas Political Bureau Ismail Haniyeh calling for the Hamas terror attacks to expand to Judea and Samaria to remain on its platform. MRC also discovered that the chatbot’s predecessor Bard was running cover for Hamas just after the terrorist group’s Oct. 7, 2023 genocide on Israel

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