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It’s always funny to watch the Hollywood class — who always claim to be the most tolerant people on Earth — show their true colors whenever someone has the audacity to think differently from them. They claim to celebrate ‘diversity’ (by which they mean everyone but straight, white males) but cannot stand diversity of thought. 


We saw an outstanding recent example of this recently when Zachary Levi, the star of the Shazam movies, dared to appear with Robert F. Kennedy Jr. and Tulsi Gabbard at a Trump campaign rally where he moderated a discussion between the two. But before he began, he announced that he, too, was endorsing Donald Trump for President.

This raised the hackles of former child star and current … well, nothing, really … Wil Wheaton, who threw an epic rant on Facebook denouncing one of Hollywood’s new superheroes. 

Before delving into Wheaton’s tantrum, it is worth taking some time to understand Levi’s endorsement. He is not a Trump fan. He is a self-professed libertarian. But he also is a realist when it comes to the 2024 election:

My parents were Kennedy Democrats that then turned into Reagan Republicans and they taught me to have a healthy level of distrust for the government and a healthy level of distrust for industry that runs amok.

I stand with Bobby, and I stand with Tulsi, and I stand with everyone else who is standing with President Trump. Because I do believe, of the two choices that we have, and we only have two, Donald Trump, President Trump is the man that can get us there. And he’s gonna get us there because he’s gonna have the backing and the support and the wisdom and the knowledge and the fight that exists in Robert Kennedy Jr. and former representative Tulsi Gabbard.



Levi also cited RFK’s support of ‘MAHA,’ or ‘Make America Healthy Again,’ as he has long been an advocate of healthier food and an opponent of Big Pharma food since his father died of cancer. 

You can watch a video of Levi’s endorsement here: 

Obviously, these comments were simply SOOOO controversial that Wheaton, the forever whipping boy of Star Trek fans, just had to speak out. Wheaton has blocked huge swaths of people on Twitter and locked down his account on the platform, but posted the following on Facebook: 

A disgrace? Disgusting? How very enlightened of you, Wil. And are you really lecturing people about ‘safe spaces’? LOL. 

Of course, if you know Star Trek fans, the most popular reaction to Wheaton’s rant will come as no surprise: 

We can’t count how many people tweeted this exact GIF, as was fully expected. 

Some got a little more creative though. 


OOF. Even your mom wants you to shut up, Wesley. 

These days, he’s more famous for having a scraggly neckbeard than anything else. 

This is worth noting. Based on the box office success of the Shazam movies, Levi is an A-Lister now, or at least not far from it. That’s what makes his endorsement extraordinary. It’s easy in Hollywood to toe the line and endorse the establishment candidate and ideology. 

Levi standing up against that, at the possible risk of his career, takes genuine courage. 

It really was a great show. Plus it had Adam Baldwin (a.k.a., the good Baldwin), who we truly hope comes back to Twitter soon. 


We have no idea. No one has ever liked him. That’s why ‘Shut Up, Wesley,’ has been such an enduring meme. 

OK, fair enough. We kind of like him in that movie. But the rest of the characters in Stand By Me were so much better. 

HA. That is one scary photo of two creepy dudes right there. 

No, he is not. But we’ve missed laughing at him. Wheaton used to be a regular subject at Twitchy until he blocked everyone and left the platform. 

Can’t you just feel the joy overflowing from Harris’s supporters in Hollywood? LOL. 

Hive minds accept no deviation. 


We can’t imagine Levi cares at all. And, in general, he seems like a much happier all-around person than Wheaton. Just take a look at the video above and see how he welcomed everyone to the event before announcing his endorsement. 

That’s telling.

We don’t know if Zach Levi’s career will suffer because of what he said last weekend. We hope not, but we know Hollywood a little too well to be certain of that. 

No matter what, though, we applaud him for his courage in standing for his principles and not what mouthbreathers like Wil Wheaton tell him he has to believe.