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Greg Gutfeld destroys the fake news media after they ignore the report that Democrats-Kamala have allowed 13,000 killers into the US thanks to their open borders policies.

Greg Gutfeld took a blowtorch to the fake news media on Monday’s show for ignoring the report released Friday by ICE revealing Democrats and Kamala Harris have welcomed over 13,000 killers and 15,000 sex abusers into the American homeland.

Has there ever been another country in world history that has allowed 13,000 killers to walk freely into their country?

Gutfeld gutted the fake news media for ignoring this critical report that affects every family and every person in the US today.

Gutfeld, not one to mince words, lambasted the press for intentionally ignoring the facts, despite the source being none other than ICE—Immigration and Customs Enforcement—our own government agency.

This is not your daddy’s Democrat Party!

Below is the transcript:

Greg Guftfeld: Friday, a massive story broke out about how our government allowed thousands of rapists and murderers into our country. The source was not some right-wing think tank, a shut-in on social media, or worse, some freaks on morning TV. It was ICE, our own immigration and customs enforcement. Among the non-detained illegals, over 400,000 and are convicted criminals, including tens of thousands, convicted of sexual assault and homicide.

You think that a report from those in charge of the border telling us that tens of thousands of thugs have entered and remained here would hit the news. But the media was as quiet as Joe Biden watching Jeopardy and trying to play along. They ignored it the way Hillary ignores having her hooves trimmed. Instead, it was reported on X and on FOX.

The reason is simple. The legacy news decided the story had to be contained. And so they pulled the plug like Andrew Cuomo at an old folks home. Tens of thousands of rapists and murders, dead and violated Americans, and you weren’t even told about it.

Remember that the next time you have the urge to trust the media. Trust them as far as you can throw them. And if you’re trying to throw anyone from The View, have the number of a good chiropractor.

So how does a huge story break and it only shows up here and there? It’s like a sewer pipe after taco Tuesday maxed out, ready to burst. But instead of calling a plumber, the media forms a seal against it to keep it contained. That’s how the news works these days. With the exception of a few outlets, there’s an ideological seal by our media against the natural flow of information to the American voter.

It’s to prevent anything but the approved election outcome. Approved by them, of course, not you. When the pressure gets too much, that sewer pipe bursts, and you’re the one who has to deal with all this shit.

If America knew what happened at the border under Biden-Harris with tens of thousands of murderers and rapists freed into our country, they’d never, in their right minds, vote for Harris or any Democrat.

No matter how many staged photo ops she takes at a border, she helped destroy. Harris visiting our Southern border is like Sherman coming back to Atlanta or Alec Baldwin shooting a remake of young guns. So of course, the news must be suppressed.

They aren’t even fact-checking the stats because they don’t have any. And no one feels better hearing, Hey, it’s actually only 10,000 violent invaders, followed by, Oh, and please call them foreign exchange students…

…So-called sanctuary policies limit local law enforcement cooperation with federal authorities. So ICE can’t even arrest illegals convicted of crimes. Some communities ignore requests from ICE to hold criminals longer, so the agency can’t take them into custody. The result, more vicious, more violent crime in your neighborhood, around family, your kids.

The news may shock you, but it’s not your fault. You just haven’t been approved to know about what’s really going on. And sadly, in America these days, what you don’t know can hurt you a whole lot.

Now, this is an issue where we should be able to achieve that political Holy Grail bipartisan consensus? Because there’s no question that most, if not all, Americans are against rape and murder, and therefore against the influx of thousands of rapists and murderers into our country. After all, who could be for that? Besides the makers of ski masks and bleach. We’re left to ask, why is this happening?

Via Midnight Rider.

The Gateway Pundit reported earlier on Kamala’s nation-ending border positions.

In a normal, functioning democracy, “Border Czar” Kamala Harris would be removed from the presidential campaign and face criminal charges for endangering the lives of EVERY American.

As The Gateway Pundit reported on Friday — A recent ICE report has confirmed the devastating consequences of the Biden-Harris regime’s disastrous open border policies.

According to the report from the Deputy Director of ICE Patrick Lechleitner sent to Congressman Tony Gonzalez, over 662,000 illegal immigrants with criminal histories are currently on ICE’s national docket.

Even more alarming is that the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) is currently tracking over 425,000 illegal immigrants convicted of various crimes, while 226,000 face pending criminal charges, all of whom have been released into the United States under the regime’s lenient immigration enforcement.

Of that staggering number, over 13,000 illegal immigrants have been convicted of homicide, and more than 15,000 have been convicted of sexual assault.

Kamala welcomed 13,000 KILLERS into America since she took charge of the border!

These individuals are not in custody—they are roaming free in communities across the country, thanks to the administration’s so-called “catch and release” policy.

Even more alarming is that the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) is currently tracking over 425,000 illegal immigrants convicted of various crimes, while 226,000 face pending criminal charges, all of whom have been released into the United States under the regime’s lenient immigration enforcement.

Of that staggering number, over 13,000 illegal immigrants have been convicted of homicide, and more than 15,000 have been convicted of sexual assault.

These individuals are not in custody—they are roaming free in communities across the country, thanks to the administration’s so-called “catch and release” policy.

Fox News’ Bill Melugin broke the story, explaining the sheer gravity of the situation to the American people.

ICE has something called a non-detained docket, meaning illegal immigrants who were encountered by DHS but are no longer in federal custody.

In other words, these are illegal immigrants who have been caught and released with court dates set years into the future, or, worse, those ordered deported but still residing within our borders.

National Docket Data for Noncitizens by Criminality and Most Serious Charge Category as of July 21, 2024
National Docket Data for Noncitizens by Criminality and Most Serious Charge Category as of July 21, 2024
National Docket Data for Noncitizens by Criminality and Most Serious Charge Category as of July 21, 2024

Bill Melugin reported on these shocking numbers.

So when will Kamala Harris, the Border Czar who is responsible for these killers and rapists roaming the streets of America, face criminal charges for her dereliction of duty?

Why is Kamala still running for office?

She is clearly destroying the country and endangering the lives of Americans?

Kamala needs to face justice for her crimes – not a promotion!