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Just to start, I need to say as a Floridian I have been stunned at the effects that Hurricane Helene has had on the regions north of our area. While Florida absorbed the direct hit from this massive tempest, it seems there has been comparable devastation elsewhere and far more tragic deaths. One particular area has been the mountainous areas of western North Carolina, where swollen rivers and the terrain have led to catastrophic results.


As much of the country grapples with the reality of communities hundreds of miles inland facing unknown recovery procedures, it appears that one local politician in North Carolina fosters a level of obliviousness. Kathy Manning is the representative for that state’s 6th Congressional district, the north-central location that covers the cities of Greensboro and Winston-Salem, which has had effects from the storm while situated not too far from the ravaged portions of the western counties. 

Ms. Manning does not appear to be too plugged in as a politician to the needed recovery efforts, as she displays a distracted nature. While people are in need of help and residents are seeking solutions. Manning is seeking out people who could help out…with the election. Manning was not working with state leaders and gathering relief efforts; she was staging a campaign event on Sunday.

Pennsylvania Governor Josh Shapiro came to Greensboro to participate in a promotional stop to help boost the prospects of Josh Stein, who is running for the governor’s mansion. Below is Rep. Manning’s X post promoting it. This just might be the shining example of oblivious timing:


After this was posted, a scroll through both Manning’s campaign media account and her personal social media account shows not a single reference to the storm-impacted residents. It was roughly five hours after her tone-deaf post that it occurred to Manning, or someone on her staff, that they were not exactly coming off looking good following this display. They finally posted some boilerplate entries regarding the storm and what has happened this week: 

Additionally, there was a report that Kentucky’s Democrat governor, Andy Beshear, also came into North Carolina on behalf of Stein. It has been a nice display of how secondary the residents seem to be in the minds of the local politicians. Meanwhile, another governor is also showing interest in what is happening in North Carolina. Ron DeSantis has just concluded the search and rescue missions in Florida, so he has redirected those teams to fly north and help aid in the needed work in North Carolina and Tennessee:


As for Josh Stein’s opponent, the currently besieged Republican Lieutenant Governor Marc Robinson? Well, one of the local papers reports that Robinson “does not have any upcoming campaign visits scheduled.” There are surely reasons behind this, but he may be otherwise occupied. Say what you will about his scandal and staffers fleeing his campaign, the man is at least on the ground in western portions of the state looking over the relief efforts and acknowledging the work that is needed in the region. 

But those residents can at least take comfort in the fact that Ms. Manning has started tweeting about them!